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Greater stress on the community and decentralised and accessible social services - a factor in enhancing individual autonomy

The second Congress on Social Action in Catalonia, Inclusió.cat, which was attended by 330 professionals from the sector over two days who considered the present and future of the Social Services in Catalonia, ended at the UVic this afternoon. Lectures, round table discussions and various...

Ramon Besa: "We need to recover, restore our credibility and the desire to be a journalist"

More than 300 people filled the Aula Magna and an adjacent room to attend the investiture ceremony of Ramon Besa, a journalist born in Perafita in the Lluçanès region, as a new Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia...

Personal autonomy and community care will be the focus of the second Congress on Social Action in Catalonia - Inclusió.cat

The Chair in Social Services of the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) and the Ministry of Work, Social Affairs and Families of the Government of Catalonia will be organising the second Inclusió.cat Social Action Congress at the UVic on 3 and...

Professionals from European universities discuss international mobility in life sciences studies at the UVic

Between Wednesday and Friday of last week, the UVic organised and hosted the annual meeting of the IROICA network, which brought together coordinators and international relations offices in the life sciences field from various European universities. The UVic has been a member of the network...

The Althaia Foundation is preparing to host the teaching on the bachelor's degree in Medicine at the UVIC-UCC

The Manresa Teaching Unit of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVIC-UCC) will begin work next September. This is a strategic project for the Althaia Foundation, which enhances its role as a university institution, and for the...

Three Biotechnology graduates return to the UVic to discuss their research career at the Bioscience Morning

Three alumni of the degree course in Biotechnology of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FCT) took part in the Biosciences Morning which took place in the Sala Segimon Serrallonga last Friday. The three of them talked about their career in the research field after...

The UVic-UCC signs a cooperation agreement with Club Joventut Badalona

The University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) and Club Joventut Badalona S.A.D. today signed a cooperation agreement to jointly carry out initiatives in the field of teaching, research, knowledge transfer and dissemination, and above all, in R+D+I projects. This agreement was signed...

An app will enable users to create alerts for the nesting of sea turtles on the coasts of the Iberian Peninsula this summer

The number of nests of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) on the coasts of the Iberian Peninsula has been increasing in recent summers. 13 events were recorded between June and September 2017, and 10 were located last year, including turtle tracks, females, nests with...

Ramon Besa i Camprubí is named doctor honoris causa

The Executive Committee of the Balmes University Foundation (FUB) has approved the investiture of the journalist Ramon Besa i Camprubí as a doctor honoris causa of the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC). The proposal, made by the Faculty of Business and...

UCampus, the UVic-UCC's new digital magazine

Today sees the publication of the first issue of Ucampus digital magazine, the window that is opening up to provide news about university life at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) - an institution that works towards the training and...

The innovation and education binomial is debated at the annual ETEN congress organised by UVic

Starting this Thursday and continuing until Saturday, the UVic will host the annual meeting of the ETEN (European Teacher Education Network), an international network in the education field of which the Faculty of Education, Translation and Human Sciences (FETCH) is a member. The congress...

Marta Rivera will advise the European Commission on the transition to sustainable food systems

Marta Rivera, the director of the Chair in Agroecology and Food Systems at the University of Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya (UVic-UCC), will be part of an international working group that will be advising the European Commission on the transition to sustainable food systems...

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