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Electronic Office

The University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia Electronic Office is the website where the university community and third parties related with the University can gain access to information, services and electronic procedures at the University.

UVic-UCC is the owner of the Electronic Office and ensures its integrity and accuracy. It is also responsible for updating information and services accessible via the Electronic Office. Management is under the Secretary General of the University, who may delegate administration to other units, depending on the matters dealt with.

The UVic-UCC Electronic Office uses the following services of the AOC Consortium:

UVic-UCC electronic services

Tauler d'anuncis de la UVic-UCC
Les meves notificacions electròniques
Tràmits genèrics de la UVic-UCC
Punt General d'Entrada de Factures Electròniques de la UVic-UCC


Check availability notifications and announcements for each of these services via the following links: e-Tram (online transactions), e-Tauler (bulletin board), e-Notum (notifications), e-Fact (invoices).

The online address of the Electronic Office is

Contact us

If you have a question, we have the answer
