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The BETA Technology Centre presents the tools for the H2020 INTCATCH project at the Catalan Water Partnership Innovation Forum

Lorenzo Proia and Laia Llenas, researchers at the BETA Technology Centre, presented the tools developed as part of the H2020 INTCATCH project at the third Water Sector Innovation Forum, which the Catalan Water Partnership (CWP) held last Thursday in Barcelona. The forum promotes...

The Migratoebre project brings four sturgeons to the Ebro half a century after their disappearance

The facilities of the IRTA (Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology) in Sant Carles de la Ràpita are now home to four European sea sturgeons (Acipenser sturio) that were brought there from France last week. These are the first specimens of this species that...

A study warns of the need to return to indigenous and local practices to conserve pollinators

We need to recover and apply the strategies of various local communities and indigenous peoples around the world to conserve and protect pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, moths, some bird species, and bats. That is the warning given by the study "Biocultural approaches to...

Jordi Collet - the new vice-rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer

The doctor of Sociology and researcher of the Education Research group, Jordi Collet, is the new vice-rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer of the UVic-UCC. This afternoon, on the proposal of the rector, he was appointed by the Executive Committee of the Balmes University Foundation...

ULudoteca - the gender equality project chosen by the community

"ULudoteca - work support space" is the socially committed gender equality project at the UVic-UCC that received the most votes, with 48.8% support from the members of the community that participated in the selection process. The project by the lecturers of the Faculty of Education...

The Balmes University Foundation and Bages University Foundation renew the federation contract for an indefinite duration

Five years after the Balmes University Foundation and the Bages University Foundation signed a federation agreement to create a federated university structure, the presidents of the two foundations, the mayor of Vic, Anna Erra, and the mayor of Manresa, Valentí Junyent, today presented the new...

The university's activities in Vic contribute 110 million Euros to the Catalan economy and create 1,942 jobs

The university's activities that take place in the city of Vic contribute 110 million Euros to the Catalan economy, and create 1,942 direct and indirect jobs, according to the main conclusions of the report on the economic impact of the Vic campus of the University...

Catalonia's medium-sized towns have less inequality than Barcelona and its metropolitan area

Catalonia's medium-sized towns have lower levels of wage inequality than Barcelona and its metropolitan area. That is the result of the study “Wage Income Inequality in Catalonian Second-Rank cities”, which has just been published in the journal The Annals of Regional Science, and...

A project involving the GREAF incorporates the health perspective in urban planning for Vic

The Sport and Physical Activity (GREAF) research group at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) has participated in a research project on incorporating the health perspective into the urban planning for Vic. The study, in which the town's municipal council and...

300 people attend the closing conference of the "Connected Equalities" project, with the participation of the CEIG

Around 300 people participated in the European congress on "Intersectionality in local policies: experiences, tools and debates" organised by Terrassa Municipal Council last Wednesday. The conference was the culmination of the "Connected Equalities" project, which was organised by the council with the University of Vic...

Disability and inappropriate use of medications increase urinary incontinence in older people

The risk of suffering from or a decline in urinary incontinence is greater among older people with a disability or those who take inappropriate medication than their peers. That is one of the main conclusions of the study "Predicting continence decline in institutionalized older people...

Height and ethnicity are associated with mortality, according to a study on risk factors in NBA players

African-American former NBA players and those who are tallest generally die before shorter and white ex-players, according to the conclusions of a study conducted by Spanish researchers and published in Applied Sciences on 1 February. Nevertheless, the study also found that the annual mortality...

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