Arts and Humanities
- Gender Studies Group: Translation, Literature, History and Communication (GETLIHC)
- Elisava Research – Human, Information, Materials, Technology, Society (HIMTS)
- Biodiversity, Ecology and Environmental and Food Technology (BETA)
- Bioinformatics and Bioimaging (BI-SQUARED)
- Aquatic Ecology (GEA)
- Mechanisms of Disease Lab (MoDLab)
- Tissue Repair and Regeneration Laboratory (TR2Lab)
- Transformative Innovation and Simulation (GRITS)
- Epidemiology and Public Health in the Digital Health context (Epi4Health)
- Innovation in Mental Health and Social Wellbeing (ISaMBeS)
- Methodology, methods, models and outcomes of health and social sciences (M3O)
Social Sciences
- Attention to Diversity (GRAD)
- Data Analysis and Modelling (DAM)
- Emprèn
- Sport and Physical Activity (GREAF)
- Knowledge Construction (GRECC)
- Design and Social Transformation (GREDITS)
- Applied linguistics, didactics and literature (GLOSSA)
- Educational Research (GREUV)
- Society, Politics and Inclusive Communities (SoPCI)
- Sport, Exercise, and Human Movement (SEaHM)
- Audiovisual Translation, Communication and Territory (TRACTE)
- Mechatronics and Modelling for Materials Technology (MECAMAT)
- Data and Signal Processing (TDS)
- Digital Care