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The "Beyond Text" international project meets in Vic and Barcelona

The twenty-five researchers involved in the "Beyond Text" Erasmus Plus project are holding an intensive first meeting at the UVic and in Barcelona from 9 to 19 May. The CODI research group led by the lecturer Eva Marichalar is a strategic part of this project...

Medicine, Automotive Engineering and Entrepreneurship in the Digital Economy - new UVic-UCC courses at the Saló de l’Ensenyament

UVic-UCC will be attending the Saló de l’Ensenyament education fair with three new degree courses for the next academic year: Medicine, Automotive Engineering and Entrepreneurship and the Digital Economy, with the latter two taught in Granollers.

The Faculty of Medicine at UVic-UCC will...

UVic-UCC will offer the first Degree in Entrepreneurship and the Digital Economy in Catalonia to train future technology-based entrepreneurs

The Faculty of Business and Communication Studies at UVic-UCC will be offering a new degree course in Entrepreneurship and the Digital Economy in the 2017-18 academic year. This is the first three-year degree course (180 credits) at Uvic-UCC, and it is expected to be taught...

UVic-UCC will offer the first Degree in Automotive Engineering in Catalonia in a sandwich course format

UVic-UCC will offer the first Degree in Automotive Engineering in Catalonia in a sandwich course format in the 2017-2018 academic year. To do so, UVic-UCC has created a curriculum that involves a combination of teaching periods at the University with extended periods acquiring experience in...

UVic-UCC will offer a degree course to train specialists in video game and mobile and web applications

The Faculty of Science and Technology (FCT) at UVic-UCC will offer a Degree in Multimedia. Applications and Video Games, starting from next year. This course with instruction on the Vic campus will train technology professionals in the design and development of multimedia applications and media...

Anna Ramon, Vice-rector of Teaching Staff at the UVic-UCC, and Paola Galbany, new dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Welfare

On Thursday, at the proposal of the Rector, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Balmes University Foundation Balmes (FUBalmes) approved the creation of the new Office of the Vice-rector for Teaching Staff at the UVic-UCC. The post will be held by...

The UVic-UCC hosts the meeting to launch the Interreg Mediterranean SYNGGI project, led by the BETA Technology Centre

All the members of the European project SYNGGI (Synergies for Green Growth Initiative), funded by the Interreg Mediterranean programme, led by the BETA Technology Centre, met at the UVic-UCC this week. SYNGGI acts as an umbrella and a nexus for projects in the...

Bonaventura Clotet: "With the HIV vaccine, we re-educate the immune system to react to all the viral variants in the infected body"

Around 300 people attended the lecture given at midday on Tuesday in the Aula Magna at the UVic by Dr Bonaventura Clotet, director and researcher of the University's AIDS and Related Diseases Chair. In a lecture entitled "The eradication of AIDS is now possible," Clotet...

120 students participate in the second semester of the Business, Innovation and Design programme which takes place in the BAU School of Design in Barcelona

A welcome dinner for students on the Study Abroad Business, Design and Innovation programme for students from foreign universities wishing to undertake a study stay in Barcelona was held in Barcelona on 26 January. The courses offered are recognised by the students' home universities, and...

Andreu Mas-Colell: "The governance model of the UVic-UCC facilitates the internationalisation of university studies"

The University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) inaugurated its first educational facility in Barcelona at midday on Tuesday. It did so with a lecture by the economist and former Minister of the Government of Catalonia, Andreu Mas-Colell, who gave a lecture entitled...

The Spanish toothcarp has the same distribution as in the 1990s in the Alt Emporda, but has declined in the Baix Emporda

The "SOS Fartet" project which has been carried out over the last year in the natural parks of Aiguamolls de l’Empordà and Montgrí, Medes Islands and Baix Ter, culminated on Friday with the planting of tamarisk seedlings in the "Bassa del Fartet" lagoon. The project...

Dr Ramon Pujol will be the future dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the UCC-UVic, and Joan Guanyabens will be general manager of the Foundation for Advanced Health Sciences Studies (FESS)

The future dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) has been announced. Ramon Pujol, a doctor in Medicine and a consultant in Internal Medicine, has been appointed by the Board of Trustees of the Foundation...

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