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Jordi Montaña: "We can be proud of what we are and what we have achieved, and have confidence in ourselves for the future"

Jordi Montaña: "We can be proud of what we are and what we have achieved, and have confidence in ourselves for the future"

The rector of the UVic-UCC, Jordi Montaña, said farewell to the university community at the closing ceremony of the 2017-2018 academic year, which took place at the Aula Magna today. After eight years in office, Montaña today completed his second term at the head of the institution.

At the ceremony, Joan Masnou, who has to date been vice-rector for International Relations and Continuing Education, took over from Montaña as acting rector. He did so, in accordance with the University's Organisational and Operational Regulations, after the candidate for rector Oriol Amat decided not to take up the post on 28 June for unforeseen personal reasons. Masnou will take over the post until the Board of Trustees of the Balmes University Foundation (FUBalmes) appoints a new rector for the next four years in the autumn.

An admirable, solid and consistent group

"A single person can hardly do anything if they do not have consistent teams that develop all the possibilities of an organisation, and if we have one thing, that is consistent teams," said the rector in his farewell speech, referring to the work done and the achievements of UVic-UCC during its mandate. "Together, we make an admirable, solid and consistent group," and that is why "we can be proud of what we are and what we have achieved, and we can have a lot of confidence in ourselves for the future," he said.

In his acknowledgements, Montaña had a few words for the members of the FUBalmes, the Rectorate teams and his family. He also addressed the entire university community, highlighting "the strength and involvement of individuals with the institution", which has created "a solid and at the same time flexible structure, which can overcome any difficulty." Finally, he assured his listeners that he was saying goodbye "with the feeling of having had a unique experience in an institution that is clear about its place and its meaning in the country and in the world." Montaña was emotional as he ended his speech, and asked the community to treat Joan Masnou as well as "you have treated me."

Joan Masnou, new rector of the UVic-UCC

In his speech, Joan Masnou assured his listeners that his period as acting rector "will not consist of merely marking time." According to Masnou, during this period, "we will provide the tools necessary to ensure that the University continues along its path as normal" and "we will take the decisions that are necessary for the good of the institution at all times, while always thinking about the project for the future that a new rector will lead."

The new Rector also said that he would try to fulfil the mission entrusted to him "honestly, with hard work, commitment, dignity and the utmost intelligence possible", as he has always done during the 30 years he has been working in the institution. He also thanked the Board of Trustees and the Board of the Rectorate for "the trust they have always placed in me, and at this time in particular," and the members of the community who have shown me once again, over the last few days, that I have you by my side."

The President of the FUB Board of Trustees and Mayor of Vic, Anna Erra, thanked Masnou for his generosity, and assured him that he will be a "magnificent rector." Erra also thanked Montaña for his courage when he took office 8 years ago, and said that since then, "it has been a success story that has given us a stronger University." According to the president of the Board of Trustees, Montaña has been "the University's ambassador to the world by means of his positive vision and his ability to seek consensus." In the same vein, the Mayor of Manresa and vice-president of the FUB, Valentí Junyent, said that Montaña leaves the "University larger, more international and more deeply-rooted in the territory," and thanked him for having been "the rector of all the cities, creating a network" through his "kindness and know-how."

Finally, the secretary of Universities and Research of the Government of Catalonia and vice-president of the FUBalmes, Francesc Xavier Grau, highlighted Montaña's management and thanked Masnou and wished him luck in his future work. He also said that "the process of renewal of the leadership of the UVic-UCC will allow us to have a new administration that will inherit a well-consolidated project."

The ceremony began with the projection of a video reviewing the eight years of Jordi Montaña's mandate, and was attended by the general director of Universities, Josep Pallarès; the rector of the International University of Catalonia (UIC), Xavier Gil; the mayors of Granollers, Josep Mayoral, and Sant Hilari Sacalm, Joan Ramon Veciana; and the previous rectors of the UVic-UCC Ricard Torrents and David Serrat.

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