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Cell Culture and Tissue Engineering Laboratory




Cell Culture and Tissue Engineering Laboratory


Compulsory (CO)

Academic year






GroupLanguage of instructionTeachers
G11, classroom instruction, morningsCatalanPatricia Fernandez Nogueira


The subject Laboratory of Cell Cultures and Tissue Engineering, with a high practical component, introduces students to 3D cultures and shows them some basic steps of tissue engineering, such as 3D printing of matrices artificial or decellularization as a model for generating natural matrices. In addition, the students are also introduced to tissue regeneration / tissue engineering through the completion of a project. This subject is the natural continuation of the second year subject of the degree in Biomedicine, Cell Cultures and Tissue Engineering, in which the students have already familiarized themselves mainly with the theoretical concepts of this discipline and have also done a practical part of the introduction to cell cultures.

Learning outcomes

  • RA1. Learn about cell and tissue culture techniques.
  • LO2. He correctly makes monolayer cultures of continuous cell lines and knows the main methods of tissue engineering.
  • LO3. It applies imaging techniques to the analysis of the functioning of the organism at different hierarchical levels.
  • LO4. Globally evaluates the learning processes carried out in accordance with the plans and objectives set and establishes measures for individual improvement.
  • LO5. It fully includes oral and written messages of different types expressed in Catalan, Spanish and English.
  • LO6. Acquire and demonstrate advanced knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects and working methodology of the field of biomedicine.
  • LO7. Moves with ease in complex situations or situations that require the development of new solutions.
  • LO8. It collects and interprets data and information on which it can base its conclusions, which include reflections on matters of a social, scientific or ethical nature in the field of biomedicine.


General skills

  • Formulate hypotheses following the scientific method, with an ability to summarize and analyze information in a critical way in order to be able to solve problems.

Specific skills

  • Promote, respect and apply the principles of bioethics in professional activity.
  • Recognize the organization, structure and function of cells and their components in different tissues.
  • Use key analytical and imaging techniques, and basic technological instruments, following customary preclinical research laboratory protocols.

Basic skills

  • Students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have competencies typically demonstrated through drafting and defending arguments and solving problems in their field of study.
  • Students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that builds on general secondary education with the support of advanced textbooks and knowledge of the latest advances in this field of study.
  • Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific and ethical issues.

Core skills

  • Communicate orally, in writing and audiovisually, in one's own language and in foreign languages, with proficiency in form, content and use.
  • Reflect critically on knowledge of all kinds, with a commitment to professional rigor and quality.


In this subject the students make 2D crops again to generate and monitor 3D crops.

In the field of tissue engineering, 3D printing is introduced to generate matrices or scaffolds artificial, and also in the decellularization of animal tissue for the generation of matrices or scaffolds Naturals.

In addition, the students participate in a team work or project to find the solution for the regeneration of different tissues.


  • Observation of participation, attitude and attendance: 10%
  • Specific assessment tests related to practices: 40%. To be able to make an average with the rest of the activities, the minimum grade must reach 4.5.
  • Completion of the work or project: 35%
  • Follow-up of the work done (students will have to complete the different phases of the project indicated by the teaching staff): 15%


The methodology used in this subject combines:

  • Teamwork in the laboratory
  • Realization of a team project



  • Panagiotis, M. (2019). Stem Cell and Biologic Scaffold Engineering. Retrieved from
  • Radwa, A.M. (2019). Cell Culture. Retrieved from
  • Xianquan, Z. (2022). Cell Culture: Advanced Technology and Applications in Medical and Life Sciences. Retrieved from


Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.

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