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Teaching Physical Education


Early Childhood Education and Primary School Teaching, majoring in English


Teaching Physical Education


Compulsory (CO)

Academic year






GroupLanguage of instructionTeachers
G11, classroom instruction, morningsEnglishIgnasi Arumí Prat

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

SDG logo
  • 3. Good health and well-being
  • 4. Quality education
  • 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions


Teaching Physical Education aims to equip students to become future primary school teachers, with the skills, knowledge and understanding of physical education. It intends to help students to understand the importance and the meaning of PE in the teaching and learning process within the educational context. It will also help students recognise how Physical Education is an important part of the Curriculum.

It will give the opportunity to widen knowledge in regards to PE, while developing a practical and contextual understanding of the subject. It will help students acquire basic skills and tools to work with through the use of the body and the movements that can be produced by the children in the class. Therefore, students will discover how to understand the requirements of the primary school PE curriculum.

Note: As the subject is taught in English, the students will develop the necessary skills and strategies to teach Physical Education in CLIL contexts.

Learning outcomes

  • Design learning environments through educational tasks linked to physical education that promote student involvement in the learning process. (LO1)
  • Uses the game as an educational resource in a diversified and appropriate way for the different cycles of primary education. (LO3)
  • Use the different elements of the physical education curriculum to design educational tasks. (LO4, LO5)
  • Apply physical education educational tasks using strategies and methodologies specific to the area. (LO4)


Specific skills

  • Design, plan and assess teaching proposals for different areas of the curriculum, consistent with theories of learning and encouraging cooperative work.
  • Develop and adapt educational resources for different curricular purposes, using information and communication technology as basic tools for learning.
  • Manage learning spaces in contexts of diversity and inclusion, taking into account the needs arising from disorders and learning difficulties, in order to establish appropriate guidelines for intervention in collaboration with other services, professionals and families.

Basic skills

  • Students have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of independent learning.


UP1. Introduction to physical education (PE) in the educational context

  • Previous experiences with the concept of physical education within the curriculum
  • The game as a resource and as an educational strategy in the field of PE

UP2. From the generic competences of the primary education currículum to the specific tasks in PE

  • The physical education curriculum structure in primary school education, from the generic, up to the specific competences of the field
  • Contents of the PE curriculum
  • Organisational and teaching strategies to deal with the contents of PE in class
  • Know the PE teaching procedures suitable for primary education


Assessment is varied. You will learn to program, develop and undertake class projects, prepare presentations, and finally, plan/deliver/evaluate teaching physical education sessions. There will be formal presentations from time to time. A balanced combination of coursework and observed classroom experience will be assessed to see the knowledge of the subject, in accordance to a work plan that will be given to students at the beginning of the course. The teacher will monitor the work sessions and tutorials will be run during specific times in the semester.

Assessment activites

  • Presentation of the physical education games (15%). Non recoverable
  • Design and apply physical education games (20%). Recoverable activity during closure week
  • Design and apply physical education tasks (25%). Recoverable activity during closure week
  • Physical education day (25%). Recoverable activity during closure week
  • Practical sessions attendance and attitude (15%). Non recoverable

Passing the module will only be awarded to students who achieve at least 50% in each of the components. The overall student grade or mark for the module, with reference to the module assessment criteria, will come out after adding all of the percentages' components. Students who fail any of the components in the module at the first attempt will be provided with an opportunity to make good of the failure through reassessment, however, this is only when it is possible (if students have to recover more than 50% of overall mark, they will not pass the course directly).


The course will be developed by combining different teaching and learning activities with practical, work-based and theoretical learning. A wide range of methods will be used to help you learn, these include: lectures, seminars, tutorials, workshops, presentation, and finally, directed and independent study.

  • Class sessions in groups will include activities to apply concepts and key ideas.
  • Class sessions of directed work will include assignments, their development and presentation.
  • Individual appointments will be for monitoring the learning process of the students.



  • Glowaki, E., Centeio, E. (2016). Health Promotion Efforts as Predictors of Physical Activity in Schools: An Application of the Diffusion of Innovations Model. Retrieved from
  • Perez Pueyo, A., Hortiguela, D., Fernández, J. (2021). Los modelos pedagógicos en educación física : qué, cómo, por qué y para qué. Retrieved from
  • Tsangaridou, N (2012). Educating primary teachers to teach physical education. Retrieved from


Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.

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