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Calldetenes Municipal Council launches a social project with UVic based on the circular economy and industry 4.0 to train young people at risk of exclusion

Calldetenes Municipal Council and UVic have launched E-Green Social Design Calldetenes, which will train young people with special educational needs who are at risk of social exclusion. This social inclusion project is based in an industrial building owned by the council. It is designed for...

UVic-UCC and the Government of Catalonia sign a new programme agreement that defines the framework of their relationship for the next four years

The University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) and the Government of Catalonia have reached an agreement to sign a new programme agreement covering the period between 2023 and 2026. This new agreement, which like its predecessors includes the Balmes University Foundation (FUBalmes)...

Personalising training programmes helps improve injury prevention among athletes

Personalised training programmes can make a significant contribution to preventing potential injuries among children and young, female and long-career athletes. Developing physical training programmes adapted to each individual's age, needs and skill levels, especially for women, means they can optimise their performance levels and avoid...

Xavier Gómez-Batiste receives the EAPC Cicely Saunders Award for his contributions to the field of palliative care

Xavier Gómez-Batiste, director of the Chair in Palliative Care at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) and a professor in the university's Faculty of Medicine, has been awarded the EAPC Cicely Saunders Award 2024 for his contributions to the field of...

47 students from the first year group on the UVic-UCC bachelor's degree course in Medicine graduate

The graduation ceremony for 47 students in the first year group of the bachelor's degree programme in Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia, which took place yesterday at the Atlàntida theatre in Vic, had a...

The UVic-UCC Vic and Manresa campuses create a joint range of lifelong learning business courses

Starting next year, the Vic and Manresa campuses of the University of Vic - Central University (UVic-UCC) will have a joint range of lifelong learning courses with innovative programmes in the field of business. The initiative has been organised jointly by the Balmes University Foundation...

The emergence of new actors in lifelong learning, the use of AI to foster a critical spirit and leadership in values are the focus of the first day of the RECLA 2023 Meeting

The Manresa campus of the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) today hosted the opening day of the XXVII meeting of the Continuing Education Network of Latin America and Europe. The event was attended by more than two hundred people representing 103...

UVic-UCC's Granollers facility opens the new laboratories for the bachelor's degree course in Automotive Engineering, covering an area of 1,400 m²

This afternoon, the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) and Granollers Municipal Council inaugurated and presented the new laboratories for the bachelor's degree course in Automotive Engineering taught by the University at its facility in Granollers. The new laboratory are located behind...

UVic-UCC increases the number of students enrolled by 10% in 2023-2024 and grows by 28% in four years

The University of Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya (UVic-UCC) continues to grow in overall terms, and for the first time began the 2023-2024 academic year with 12,700 students on official degree courses - a figure that is 10% higher than the previous academic year...

UVic-UCC and the Catalan National Physical Education Institute (INEFC) coordinate the development of a WHO guide to promote physical exercise in small and medium-sized enterprises

Around 10,000 people die in Europe every year as a result of insufficient physical exercise, and sedentary working environments are one of the causes. Spending too much time sitting down is a health risk factor that is linked to heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes...

A project led by UVic-UCC and the UB will contribute to promoting the oral use of Catalan in schools in Catalonia

The linguistic scenario among Catalonia's school population has changed since the turn of the century as a result of major social and cultural changes and the influx of the immigrant population. Although Catalan is the normal language of instruction in the education system, the use...

UVic-UCC will offer a bachelor's degree in 'Global Studies' in the next academic year, providing opportunities to work in international organisations and companies

The Faculty of Business and Communication Studies (FBCS) of the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) will expand its academic range of courses with the new bachelor's degree in Global Studies, for which teaching will begin at UVic in the 2024-2025 academic...

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