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UVic-UCC exceeds 13,000 students on official study programmes for the first time in the 2024-2025 academic year

Estudiants de la UVic-UCC a l'inici del curs 2024-2025

UVic-UCC exceeds 13,000 students on official study programmes for the first time in the 2024-2025 academic year

The University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) continues to grow, as the university federation has crossed the threshold of 13,000 students on official study programmes for the first time in the 2024-2025 academic year, with the specific figure standing at 13,295. This figure is a record high for total registration, which has increased by 6% compared to the previous year, and by 34% in the last five years. New entrance registrations for official programmes (bachelor's degrees, university master's degrees, doctoral degrees and advanced vocational training programmes) at UVic-UCC amount to 4,075 students - 2% more than last year and 28% more compared to five years ago. It should be noted that these figures are not yet final and may vary slightly, as the reassignment and registration process ends on 30 October. 

By type of training, new entrance registrations at the UVic-UCC federated centres can be broken down into 2,661 students on bachelor's degree courses; 321 on university master's degree courses, and 222 on advanced vocational training programmes, as part of a clear commitment by UVic-UCC to enhance the reputation of vocational training, which is considers to be higher education, and is integrated within the University's facilities. The assessment of the two new cycles that have started this year at the Vic Campus (Pre-School Teaching Specialising in Montessori Pedagogy and Production of Audiovisual Projects) is very positive. The new entrance registrations also include the 55 students registered on doctoral degree courses and the 718 students on bachelor's degree and university master's degree courses at UVic-UCC's affiliated centres (the BAU School of Design, the EADA Business School, and the ESERP Business and Law School).

In overall terms, including newly admitted students and continuing students, the 13,295 students registered for official programmes are distributed as follows: 9,384 are students on bachelor's degree courses, with 5,346 at UVic; 2,202 at UManresa; 748 at UMedicina, and 1,088 on the bachelor's degree courses at UElisava. As for the rest, 439 are studying university master's degree programmes, 306 are taking doctoral degrees, and 404 are taking advanced vocational training programmes. In addition, 2,090 students are studying bachelor's degrees and university master's degree courses at the affiliated centres, and 672 are taking the bachelor's degree course in TILA (Translation, Interpretation and Applied Languages), which is taught jointly with the UOC.

An attractive alternative with high quality teaching

Josep Eladi Baños, the rector of UVic-UCC, was very positive in his assessment of the registration figures for this academic year, since "both more than 13,000 students and the growth that has been maintained over the last few years place UVic-UCC alongside many leading Catalan public universities which have had a more stable number of students on their official programmes for some time." According to the rector, "the sustained, progressive and significant growth on all the university's campuses, in terms of both new entrance registrations and total registration, shows that UVic-UCC has become an appealing alternative for students and a benchmark for teaching quality, with distinctive characteristics including a personalised teaching model providing support throughout the entire learning pathway, learning through active and innovative methodologies, and high quality equipment and facilities at the service of learning."

The increase in registration figures in recent years shows that the university's federation model is viable and successful. The rector said that "the passage of time, the figures and the results have shown that our unique and singular university model works, and that UVic-UCC offers a public service to citizens that is essential within Catalonia's university system."

The figures by centre 

There are more than 5,300 students taking bachelor's degree courses at UVic this academic year - a number that amounts to an increase of more than 1,000 students in the last five years. Among these bachelor's degree students, and again breaking records, 1,498 are new admissions - a figure that is 6% higher than the previous year, and amounts to a 25% increase over the last five years. In addition, there has been a 44% growth in students taking advanced vocational training programmes compared to last year, thanks in large part to the launch of the two new programmes.  

The new entrance registrations include more than 500 students in the Faculty of Education, Translation, Sports and Psychology, almost 300 new students in the Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering, an increase of 3% in the Faculty of Health Sciences and Welfare, and an increase of 11% in the Faculty of Business and Communication Studies. Growth in the latter Faculty has coincided with the launch of the bachelor's degree course in Global Studies, a qualification that combines a double requirement of current and future bachelor's degree studies in its programme of study: "a necessary depth of knowledge and at the same time, an interdisciplinary approach consistent with the versatile profiles that society demands," explained the rector. 

UManresa has registered a total of 2,483 students in official programmes (bachelor's degrees, university master's degrees and advanced vocational training) for the 2024-2025 academic year, of which 779 are new entrance registrations (with 608 registered for bachelor's degree programmes). Record numbers of students have registered at the Manresa Campus this year, including both new entrance registrations and the total number of students registered. In overall terms, this academic year has seen increases in registration for university master's degrees (39%), advanced vocational training programmes (16%) and bachelor's degrees (5%). Registration for all programmes is growing, and the registration of new students is approaching or exceeding the total number of places available in most programmes.

There are a total of 748 students registered in the three bachelor's degrees taught at the Faculty of Medicine this year - Medicine, General Audiology and Dentistry, a figure that is 7% higher than last year. There are 243 new entrance registrations this academic year. The 2024-2025 academic year sees the full consolidation of the bachelor's degree programme in Medicine, with the graduation of its third year group of students, and the ongoing roll-out of the bachelor's degree course in Dentistry. The bachelor's degree course in General Audiology begins for its second year, and its first as an official qualification. The first students from Catalonia and Spain to graduate in this field will do so in the 2026-2027 academic year.

In the Elisava Faculty of Design and Engineering, there are 312 new entrance students this year on the bachelor's degree in Design and Innovation, and 86 on the bachelor's degree in Industrial Design Engineering. A total of 1,088 students have registered on bachelor's degree courses this academic year. UElisava filled all the places on the Design and Innovation degree course for this year in June, and there were only three places left for the Industrial Design Engineering degree course in September, which have since been filled. The students registered this year are the fourth UVic-UCC cohort, meaning that the four bachelor's degree courses associated with the federation have been rolled out with this registration.

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