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Paola Galbany, a lecturer at the FHSW, takes part in a study on breastfeeding in mothers who have not given birth
The lecturer and researcher of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Welfare Paola Galbany has co-authored the scientific article Understanding the Challenges of Induction of Lactation and Relactation for Non-Gestating Spanish Mothers. The study, which has been published in the nursing, paediatrics, obstetrics and...
Good conservation and management of lakes and ponds can contribute to slowing climate change
Fresh water on planet Earth is scarce, as it accounts for only about 2.5% of the total. Between 30% and 50% of this total fresh water area is in pools and ponds, a resource that despite being exceptional is home to 70% of Europe's aquatic...
A collaboration between Blanquerna-URL and UVic-UCC culminates in the patent for an innovative device for improving sports performance and people's health
The doctoral thesis currently being written by the Blanquerna-URL doctoral student Joan Aguilera, jointly supervised by Bernat Buscà, a senior lecturer at the URL, and Javier Peña, the director of the Physical Activity and Sports Studies Centre (CEEAF) at UVic-UCC, has led to an application...
New entrance registrations at UVic-UCC increase by 12% for bachelor's degree programmes and 8% for all studies in an unusual academic year
The number of new entrance registrations for official study programmes at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) has increased by 8% in the 2020-2021 academic year, to a total of 3,216 students. The overall registration figures, which include new and continuing...
A BETA Technology Centre project will evaluate solid and liquid waste from the meat industry
According to the Catalonia Waste Agency (ARC), 911,480 tonnes of waste was generated by the food industry in Catalonia in 2018. One of the challenges facing the sector is how to optimise the management of the waste it generates and lower the economic and...
A European project will use creative writing and digital narrative resources in primary schools to foster inclusion among children
A school must be a place where children live naturally with diversity, and where all children have the same opportunities for growth and learning, without any distinction on the grounds of disability, gender, religion or race, or any other reason. Conflicts that hinder inclusion may...
Josep Eladi Baños: "The 2020-2021 academic year at UVic-UCC must be governed by caution, ambition and luck"
The UVic-UCC inaugurated the 2020-2021 academic year this afternoon, with an unusual event in hybrid format in the Aula Magna. Only 52 people were able to attend in person due to the current restrictions on capacity, while another 200 people followed the event, which was...
A pioneering study highlights post-exercise recovery strategies used by first division football teams
Researchers at the UVic-UCC Sport and Physical Activity Studies Centre (CEEAF) writing in the journal The Physician and Sports Medicine have recently published an internationally pioneering article on the post-exercise recovery strategies used by the teams in the first division of the Spanish league (La...
UVic-UCC coordinates an interuniversity specialisation course on Car-T therapy - one of the most advanced therapies in the fight against cancer
The University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC), with the University of Barcelona and the Autonomous University of Barcelona, is offering a 15-credit online specialist course on Car-T therapy, which is considered the most advanced therapy currently available in the fight against acute leukaemia...
Dr Roberto Elosua leads a study that relates physical activity to the prevention of cardiovascular disease
Doing 150 minutes of physical activity of moderate intensity (brisk walking or dancing, for example) or 75 minutes of vigorous activity (running or other sports) a week, as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), reduces the risk of mortality by 16%. At the...
The UVic-UCC and Solent University publish a book on sport, globalisation, and national identity
This Friday, the book entitled Sport, Globalisation and Identity. New Perspectives on Regions and Nations (Routledge, 2020) will be published, an academic work that reviews some of the most controversial aspects of the relationship between sport and politics in times of globalisation and reformulation of...
European project led by the BETA Technological Center promotes new models of urban organic waste management in the Mediterranean arc
Over the past few decades, cities in the Mediterranean arc have been experiencing progressive population growth and concentration and an increase in construction and tourism. The limits to growth faced by these urban environments means that proper waste management is key to guaranteeing a healthy...