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Josep Eladi Baños: "The 2020-2021 academic year at UVic-UCC must be governed by caution, ambition and luck"

The UVic-UCC inaugurated the 2020-2021 academic year this afternoon, with an unusual event in hybrid format in the Aula Magna. Only 52 people were able to attend in person due to the current restrictions on capacity, while another 200 people followed the event, which was...

UVic-UCC coordinates an interuniversity specialisation course on Car-T therapy - one of the most advanced therapies in the fight against cancer

The University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC), with the University of Barcelona and the Autonomous University of Barcelona, is offering a 15-credit online specialist course on Car-T therapy, which is considered the most advanced therapy currently available in the fight against acute leukaemia...

Dr Roberto Elosua leads a study that relates physical activity to the prevention of cardiovascular disease

Doing 150 minutes of physical activity of moderate intensity (brisk walking or dancing, for example) or 75 minutes of vigorous activity (running or other sports) a week, as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), reduces the risk of mortality by 16%. At the...

The UVic-UCC and Solent University publish a book on sport, globalisation, and national identity

This Friday, the book entitled Sport, Globalisation and Identity. New Perspectives on Regions and Nations (Routledge, 2020) will be published, an academic work that reviews some of the most controversial aspects of the relationship between sport and politics in times of globalisation and reformulation of...

European project led by the BETA Technological Center promotes new models of urban organic waste management in the Mediterranean arc

Over the past few decades, cities in the Mediterranean arc have been experiencing progressive population growth and concentration and an increase in construction and tourism. The limits to growth faced by these urban environments means that proper waste management is key to guaranteeing a healthy...

The BETA Technological Center will identify tools to reduce the risk of flash floods due to climate change

Flash floods occur as a result of heavy and short-lived rainfall, which appears suddenly at a local level, and is difficult to predict. These floods mainly affect small basins with steep gradients, which are characteristics that apply to 70% of Catalonia's river networks and 100%...

Helpdesk schedule for the holiday period

From 3 to 21 August, during the holiday period, there will be a helpdesk and mail collection service, Monday - Friday, at Building F Reception, Miramarges (Carrer

de la Sagrada Família, 7).

The process of designing a place brand can be a tool in urban governance for creating a unique narrative of identity

The brand 'Vic, a city with a human dimension,' which was presented in 2015 and implemented over the next four years, created an interface for structuring the entire narrative of the capital of the Osona region, placing the citizen and quality of life at the...

A project lead by BETA Technology Center will involve Marine Protected Areas in the management and monitoring of sea turtle nesting in the western Mediterranean

Marine protected areas will be used as a starting point for the management and monitoring of sea turtle nests in the western Mediterranean. That is the basis of the COMING project, the latest initiative led by the BETA Technology Center of the University of Vic...

Issue 2 of the UCampus magazine is available now

This week saw the publication of issue 2 of UCampus, the institutional magazine of UVic-UCC, which is available in three languages: Catalan, Spanish and English. This issue includes interviews with the president of the Balmes University Foundation and Mayor of Vic, Anna Erra, the...

A European project lead by BETA Technological Center is promoting new models of urban organic waste management in the Mediterranean region

Cities in the Mediterranean region have been facing a gradual increase and concentration in their population and an increase in construction and tourism for decades. The limits on growth that these urban environments have to cope with means that appropriate waste management is crucial in...

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