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Master's degree enrolment fees

UVic-UCC is an independently managed public service, which operates a contract programme with the Government of Catalonia to subsidise student fees.

Consequently, the overall cost to students is midway between public and private sector rates.

Master's degreeCreditsFees per ECTSTotal tuition fees
Master's degree in Food and Sustainability6066,63€4.298€
Master's degree in General Health Psychology9086,44€8.380€
Master's degree in Inclusive Education, Democracy and Cooperative Learning6049,20€3.253€
Master's degree in Montessori Education (0-6 years old)60126,00€8.162€
Master's degree in Omics Data Analysis6091,43€5.786€
Master's degree in Participatory Health Research6089,20€5.653€
Master's degree in Specialised Translation6049,20€3.552€
Master's degree in Teacher Training for Secondary School, Vocational Training and Language Teaching6018,46€1.408€

Master's course fees are subject to annual review.

To consult fees for a course being phased out, please go to the web page of the course concerned.

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