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The leading international figures in photopharmacology meet at a symposium in Vic

Introducing a drug into the human body that remains inactive inside it and only acts when, where and how we tell it to will be possible within a few years, with the application of photopharmacology, an emerging branch of science that uses light to control the activity of medication. The world's leading researchers and experts in this field will meet at the second international photopharmacology symposium in Vic on 1 and 2 November.

FIRST Tech Challenge: the new STEM programme for young people aged between 16 and 20 years old arrives in Spain

The Fundación Scientia, the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia and the company Girbau have reached an agreement to organise the FIRST Tech Challenge programme for the next three years, to promote scientific and technological vocations among young people aged between 16 and 20 years old. This year, the qualifying tournament will be held at the American School of Barcelona (Esplugues de Llobregat) on 5 and 6 April, and will host around 16 teams from Spain and other European countries. The tournament will be held at UVic for the next two years.

Joan Masnou: "This year must be a turning point in the University's financing"

The University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) officially inaugurated the 2018-2019 academic year this afternoon, with a ceremony in the Aula Magna of the UVic Campus. The inauguration ceremony was chaired by the rector of the University, Joan Masnou, and those attending included the Secretary for Universities and Research, Francesc Xavier Grau, and the president of the FUBalmes and mayor of Vic, Anna Erra.

The BETA Technology Centre obtains a Marie Curie Action to create a European training and research network in the dairy sector

The Beta Technology Centre at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) is part of a ten-member international consortium which has obtained an Innovative Training Network (ITN). This is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action, which is part of the H2020 programme, and it aims to train new generations of creative and innovative researchers in an international network of public and private centres.

The R+D+I ICT Health and Social seminars in Vic have established themselves as a major event with more than 400 participants

The eighth R+D+I ICT Health and Social seminars ended on Friday at midday. On Thursday and Friday, they brought together more than 400 people in Vic to discuss the role of digital therapies in improving people's health and quality of life. Over two days, the El Sucre Building became a forum for debate and discussion on the latest breakthroughs in these therapies, and their role as substitutes or complements to traditional drugs, treatments and educational instruments.

The Government of Catalonia recognises all 30 research groups at the UVic-UCC and provides funding for 6 of them

All the research groups at the UVic-UCC have obtained recognition from the Government of Catalonia in the last call of the SGR (Research Groups Support), which has just announced the final decision for its results. This is the first time the University has achieved recognition for one hundred percent of its groups. In total, there are 30 groups, of which 26 are at the UVic, 3 are at the UManresa and 1 is at the BAU University Design Centre. Fifteen of these have been accredited as consolidated groups, 13 as emerging groups and 2 as pre-consolidated groups.

Digital therapies: the drugs of the future?

Recording the daily life of Alzheimer's patients in the initial stages of the disease and so that they can view the images later, to help them remember; using mobile applications to diagnose dyslexia and facilitate the learning of children affected by this difficulty; prescribing augmented reality treatments as a resource for overcoming phobias, such as the fear of snakes, flying or open spaces. These are just three examples of digital therapies, or in other words, how technology is being used to improve the health and quality of life of individuals and the community.

Researchers at the UVic-UCC publish an article on ethical challenges in the implementation of palliative care

Researchers from the Chair of Palliative Care at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) have published an article in the Journal of Palliative Care about the ethical challenges of the early identification of advanced chronic patients with palliative care needs.

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