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Education for Global Development

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Aquesta assignatura s'imparteix en anglès. El pla docent en català és una traducció de l'anglès.

La traducció al català està actualitzada i és equivalent a l'original.

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Texto traducido

Esta asignatura se imparte en inglés. El plan docente en español es una traducción del inglés.

La traducción al español está actualizada y es equivalente al original.

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Original text

This subject is taught in English. The course guide was originally written in English.


Global Studies


Education for Global Development


Basic Training (BT)

Academic year






GroupLanguage of instructionTeachers
G11, classroom instruction, morningsEnglish

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

SDG logo
  • 5. Gender equality
  • 10. Reduced inequalities
  • 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions


Train students to critically analyze the structural barriers that perpetuate inequality in access to education, propose and implement innovative educational strategies that promote intercultural dialogue, tolerance, and mutual respect, using participatory methodologies adapted to diverse global communities. Additionally, students are encouraged to apply theories and pedagogical approaches focused on education for sustainable development, designing activities that promote environmental awareness and global responsibility, and researching the impact of educational policies on social transformation to contribute to more effective and equitable policies.

Learning outcomes

  • RAC4.1.1. Critically analyse the structural barriers that maintain inequality in access to education, with the objective of ensuring equality and social justice
  • RAC4.1.2. Develop innovative educational proposals that promote intercultural dialogue, tolerance, and mutual respect, using participatory methodologies adapted to the specific needs of diverse communities around the world.
  • RAC4.1.3. Demonstrate the practical application of educational theories and approaches focused on education for sustainable development, and create activities that show environmental awareness and global responsibility among students.
  • RAC4.1.4. Examine the impact of educational policies on social transformation to create more effective and inclusive policies.


  1. Introduction to education for global development
    1. Definition and scope of education for global development
    2. Historical perspectives on education and its role in global contexts
    3. Key theories and concepts related to global education
  2. Global trends in education
    1. Comparative analysis of education systems worldwide
    2. Trends and challenges in achieving global education goals
    3. The impact of globalization on educational policies and practices
  3. Inclusive education and social justice
    1. Addressing issues of equity and access in education
    2. Examining inclusive education practices globally
    3. The role of education in promoting social justice and human rights
  4. Education and sustainable development
    1. The role of education in promoting sustainable development
    2. Case studies on educational initiatives contributing to sustainability
    3. Integrating environmental and social responsibility into educational curricula
  5. Cross-cultural competence in education
    1. Developing cross-cultural competence in educational settings
    2. Strategies for promoting intercultural understanding among students and educators
    3. Case studies on successful cross-cultural education programs
  6. Global citizenship education
    1. The concept of global citizenship and its importance in education
    2. Curriculum development for global citizenship
    3. Engaging students in global issues and activism
  7. Policy and advocacy for global education
    1. Examining national and international policies for global education
    2. Advocacy strategies for promoting global education at local and global levels
    3. The role of NGOs and international organizations in shaping global education policies


  • Monitoring of work progress. To be determined among these percentages: 10%-20%
  • Specific assessment tests: exams. To be determined among these percentages: 30%-40%
  • Completion of required assignments or projects. To be determined among these percentages: 40%-50%
  • Public defense of projects. To be determined among these percentages: 5%-10%


The course will use a participatory methodology that promotes intercultural dialogue and critical reflection on structural barriers to access to education. The implementation of innovative strategies adapted to diverse global communities will be promoted.

In addition, theories and pedagogical approaches focused on education for sustainable development will be applied, with activities that promote environmental awareness and global responsibility. The impact of educational policies on social transformation will be investigated to contribute to more effective and equitable policies.

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