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Integrated Project III




Integrated Project III


Compulsory (CO)

Academic year






GroupLanguage of instructionTeachers
G11, classroom instruction, morningsEnglishAntoni Parcerisas Mosqueda
Antoni Gáñez Zapater
Paulina Carriba Domínguez


This subject belongs to a series of subjects, Integrated Projects I-VI, on the undergraduate programme in Biomedicine which culminate each semester from the first to third year. The common objective of this set of subjects is to work at a practical level on the knowledge that students have acquired in other subjects during the semester, while facilitating the acquisition of skills related to biomedical research. The teaching methodology is problem- or project-based learning.

In particular, Integrated Project III aims that students will learn experimental design, techniques of molecular biology, metabolic biochemistry and statistical analysis: isolation and amplification of a cDNA, electrophoresis in agarose gel, cloning of the cDNA in an expression vector, transformation in bacteria, expression of the protein of interest and analysis of the enzymatic activity of malate dehydrogenase in different experimental conditions and some statistical analysis. Immunodetection of the study proteins will be performed in different samples. Finally, the statistical data analysis and discussion of the data will be carried out.

For this purpose, we strongly recommend that students enrolling in this subject have taken biochemistry,  metabolic regulation, and Experimental Design, Biostatistics and Epidemiology. 

Learning outcomes

  • RA1. Identify and use laboratory equipment correctly to carry out experiments.
  • RA2. Work with biological material in an appropriate manner, taking into consideration the necessary safety measures whilst handling and disposing of biological waste.
  • RA3. Demonstrate comprehension of spoken and written scientific English.
  • RA4. Recognise and apply the main guidelines for structuring presentations, projects and publications in scientific communication.
  • RA5. Resolve problems and situations relevant to professional practice in an innovative and entrepreneurial manner.
  • RA6. Design interventions to meet the needs of the area in a multidisciplinary way.
  • RA7. Critically reflect on processes related to professional practice.
  • RA8. Use appropriate spoken language (verbal and non-verbal) to communicate in personal and professional situations in Catalan, Spanish and English.
  • RA9. Apply strategies to promote gender equality and justice in the workplace.
  • RA10. Prepare reports and written documents (mainly of a technical nature) with correct spelling and grammar in Catalan, Spanish and English.


General skills

  • Show a positive attitude to innovating, creating value and integrating scientific knowledge and improving one's own training.

Specific skills

  • Analyse biomedical data and biological sequences through the use of statistics and computation.
  • Be able to critically interpret the results and conclusions of scientific studies.
  • Formulate hypotheses and design experiments in the field of biomedical research.
  • Have technical skill in a research laboratory for working on cell and tissue samples, and with experimental animals.
  • Recognise the applicability of genetic engineering methods and omics technology in preclinical and clinical research.

Basic skills

  • Students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have competencies typically demonstrated through drafting and defending arguments and solving problems in their field of study.
  • Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialists and non-specialists.
  • Students have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of independent learning.

Core skills

  • Develop strategies for promoting gender equality and equity for all.
  • Exercise active citizenship and individual responsibility with a commitment to democratic values and sustainable development.
  • Interact in international contexts to transfer knowledge to current and emerging fields of professional development and research.
  • Reflect critically on knowledge of all kinds, with a commitment to professional rigour and quality.


  1. Experimental design
  2. Gene expression techniques
  3. Enzyme activity
  4. Immunodetection techniques
  5. Information retrieval and protocol writing
  6. Writing scientific article from data statistical analysis
  7. Scientific workshop


The course will be evaluated through:

  • Online evaluation: 10%
  • Elaboration of scientific protocols: 20% (individual assessment: 10% + group assessment: 10%)
  • Competences in following technical protocols: 10%
  • Evaluation of results and discussion: 30% (individual evaluation: 12,5% + group evaluation: 12,5%)
  • Scientific workshop: 20% (individual evaluation: 10% + group evaluation: 10%)
  • Active participation: 10% (participation, attitude, attendance)

Attendance is compulsory. Absences are not allowed, but it is possible to miss 1 or 2 sessions for justified reasons. More than 2 unexcused absences mean failing the whole course.

Excused absences do not exclude students from doing the work derived from the session they did not attend.

Excused absences allowed are:

  • Hospital admission
  • Court summons
  • Death of a family member of 1st or 2nd degree of consanguinity or affinity
  • Medically diagnosed illness that makes it impossible to attend the session
  • Attendance at a scheduled visit to the hospital, which cannot be postponed and which involves diagnosis, follow-up and/or medical treatment

In case of a justified absence

  • If it is not possible to make up the class, the student must do a work (proposed by the teacher) that allows him/her to recover, totally or partially, the content of the session he/she has missed. The elaboration of this work is compulsory and the non-presentation of the work implies a penalty equivalent to the reduction of 5% of the final grade of the course.

In the case of unexcused absence

  • It is not possible to recover the class and a penalty equivalent to the reduction of 10 % of the final grade of the course for each session to which it is missed (therefore, one absence supposes a reduction of 10 % of the final grade and two, one of 20 %).
  • Absence from 3 or more sessions means failing the course.
  • The student can do a recommended work to recover, totally or partially, the content of the session to which he/she has missed, but it is not obligatory. If the student makes up the work satisfactorily, he/she can recover 5% of the penalty imposed for the absence.


This course is based on the problem-based learning (PBL) methodology, which involves individual and group work to respond to a challenge, generate a protocol and execute it in the laboratory, and analyse, present, and discuss the results in writing and orally.



Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.

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