Text traduït
Aquesta assignatura s'imparteix en anglès. El pla docent en català és una traducció de l'anglès.
La traducció al català està actualitzada i és equivalent a l'original.
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Texto traducido
Esta asignatura se imparte en inglés. El plan docente en español es una traducción del inglés.
La traducción al español está actualizada y es equivalente al original.
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Original text
This subject is taught in English. The course guide was originally written in English.
Automotive Engineering
Engineering Communication Skills
Basic Training (BT)
Academic year
Group | Language of instruction | Teachers |
G51, classroom instruction, mornings | English | Sarah Umbrene Khan |
Qian Zhang |
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

- 5. Gender equality
- 7. Affordable and clean energy
Engineering Communication Skills is a course that introduces you to the technical and academic language and skills that you need to study specific subjects in English during your degree.
The main aim of the course is to familiarise you with dealing with basic technical communication at university level. To do this you will:
- Improve your reading, speaking, writing and listening skills in English in a technical context.
- Build up your knowledge of technical language in English.
- Demonstrate learner autonomy by maximising use of learning resources and producing quality work.
- Analyse and reflect on the relationship between science and technology, gender, culture and society.
Learning outcomes
- LO1. Knows the verb forms, questions, articles and quantifications, conditionals and prepositions.
- LO2. Understands oral and written English language.
- LO3. Exposes effectively orally the results obtained in practices and/or work in English.
- LO4. Prepares written reports and documents (mainly technical) with spelling and grammar correction in English.
- LO5. Communicates to all types of audiences (specialized or not) clearly and precisely knowledge, methodologies, ideas, problems and solutions in their field of study.
- LO6. Globally assesses the learning processes carried out in accordance with the planned plans and objectives and establishes individual improvement measures.
General skills
- Desire to take part in lifelong learning, innovate, create value and acquire new knowledge.
Specific skills
- Work in a multilingual, multidisciplinary environment, and make oral presentations and write reports in English in the field of engineering, in general, and in the automotive sector, in particular.
Basic skills
- Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialists and non-specialists.
Core skills
- Become the protagonist of one's own learning process in order to achieve personal and professional growth and acquire all-round training for living and learning in a context of respect for linguistic, social, cultural, gender and economic diversity.
- Use oral, written and audiovisual forms of communication, in one's own language and in foreign languages, with a high standard of use, form and content.
Engineering Communication Skills will focus on topics related to Automotive Engineering and include:
- Speaking (presentations, discussions and debates)
- Listening (everyday and technical conversations, monologues set in a professional context)
- Writing (essays, technical reports, emails)
- Reading (short technical documents and articles)
- Language points (grammar and technical terminology)
- Project work (problem-based learning, collaborative online international learning)
- Reflect on social, cultural, economic and gender diversity in the field of science and technology
Course assessment is a mixture of formative and summative assessment. The final mark of the subject (NF) is the weighted average of the marks of the following items.
Component 1. Theory
- Test 1 (20% of the NF): Grammar and vocabulary, listening, writing. LO1, LO2, LO4
- Individual assessment; may be retaken
- Test 2 (20% of the NF): Grammar and vocabulary, listening, writing. LO1, LO2, LO4
- Individual assessment; may be retaken
- Test 3 (10% of the NF): Speaking test
Component 2. Practicals
- Speaking (15% of the NF): Presentation, discussion, debate. LO3, LO5
- Group and individual assessment
- Project work (20% of the NF): LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6
- Individual, group and peer assessment
- Class participation (5% of the NF): LO6
- Individual and self-assessment
Component 3. Reports and exercises
- Reading comprehension (10% of the NF): LO2
- Individual assessment
Other criteria
- Attendance to practicals is compulsory.
- Unjustified absence from three or more practical activities will lead to a Fail grade.
- Justified absence from more than 50% of practicals will result in a mark of zero for the practicals component.
- In general, assessment is in person.
- Students may retake activities, if applicable, in the reassessment period.
The methodology used includes communicative activities, authentic materials, individual work, group work and whole class participation. Class sessions require attendance and active participation in English to maximise learning outcomes. Reading tasks are assigned using the flipped classroom method with students reading texts at home followed by guided discussion and evaluation in class. You have approximately 60 contact hours during the semester. Classes are 4 hours a week, 2 hours in a subgroup and 2 hours with the whole class. You also have 90 hours of autonomous self-study for project work, reading class material and preparing for assessed activities.
Key references
- Mann, Malcolm & Taylore-Knowles, Steve (2008). Destination B2: Grammar and Vocabulary with Answer Key. Retrieved from https://www.academia.edu/40792840/Destination_B2_Grammar_and_Vocabulary_with_Answer_key
- Murphy, Raymond (2019). English Grammar in Use: Fifth Edition. Retrieved from https://can-ada.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/english-grammar-in-use-intermediate.pdf
Further reading
Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.