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Human Nutrition and Dietetics




Basic Training (BT)

Academic year






GroupLanguage of instructionTeachers
G11, classroom instruction, morningsCatalanMontserrat Serra Mas
Eulalia Bosch Presegue
G12, classroom instruction, morningsCatalanMontserrat Serra Mas
Eulalia Bosch Presegue
G19, blended learning, mornings and afternoonsSpanishMontserrat Serra Mas
Eulalia Bosch Presegue
G29, blended learning, mornings and afternoonsSpanishMontserrat Serra Mas
Eulalia Bosch Presegue

Other teachers

  • Anna Buisan Farre


This subject belongs to the Biochemistry subject, included in the Basic Training module that corresponds to the Health Sciences branch. In Biochemistry, the aim is for the student to know the general characteristics of the functioning of the organism in the molecular and cellular spheres, which will allow them to understand many of the processes that occur in the organism, both in health situations and of illness and throughout the entire life cycle.

No specific prior knowledge is required to take this course, but it is recommended to have basic knowledge of chemistry and biology.

The main objectives of the Biochemistry subject are for students to be able to:

  • Know the general aspects of the functioning of the human organism from a molecular point of view.
  • Learn about the main biomolecules and their functions in the human body.
  • Know the general characteristics of the chemical processes carried out by cells, how they are regulated and how they are integrated.
  • Know the basics of the transmission of genetic information, both in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.

Learning outcomes

  • LO1. Know the chemical, biochemical and biological foundations of application in human nutrition and dietetics.
  • LO2. It explains and relates the functions of the main biomolecules, metabolic pathways and their regulation at the cellular level in the human body.
  • LO3. Understand the molecular mechanisms of storage and expression of hereditary information.
  • LO4. Prepares reports and written documents (mainly of a technical nature) with spelling and grammatical correction in Catalan and Spanish.
  • LO5. Uses scientific and medical terminology correctly.
  • LO6. Evaluates globally the learning processes carried out in accordance with the plans and objectives set and establishes individual improvement measures.
  • LO7. Acquires and demonstrates advanced knowledge of theoretical and practical aspects and work methodology in the field of human nutrition and dietetics.


Specific skills

  • Apply basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, chemistry, biochemistry, biology, anthropology and psychology to human nutrition and dietetics.
  • Know the principles of human nutrition and food in order to understand the functions, metabolic use, equilibrium and regulation of nutrients.

Basic skills

  • Students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that builds on general secondary education with the support of advanced textbooks and knowledge of the latest advances in this field of study.

Core skills

  • Be a critical thinker before knowledge in all its dimensions. Show intellectual, cultural and scientific curiosity and a commitment to professional rigor and quality.
  • Use oral, written and audiovisual forms of communication, in one's own language and in foreign languages, with a high standard of use, form and content.


  1. Water and solutions
    1. Introduction, bioelements and biomolecules
    2. Water properties and functions in the body. solutions
    3. Acids, weak bases and buffer solutions
  2. Carbohydrates
    1. Structure and function
    2. Stereoisomerism
    3. Anomery and mutarotation
    4. Glycosidic bond
  3. Amino acids and proteins
    1. Protein amino acids, acid-base properties and stereoisomerism
    2. Peptide bond
    3. Peptides and proteins
    4. Protein structure
    5. Fibrous proteins: collagen
  4. Hemoproteins
    1. Myoglobin and hemoglobin: structure and functions
    2. Allosteric properties of hemoglobin and factors that condition the release of oxygen
  5. Enzymes
    1. Characteristics and functions of enzymes
    2. Enzymatic catalysis
    3. Enzyme kinetics
    4. Mechanisms of enzyme regulation
  6. Biosignaling
    1. Hormonal regulation mechanisms
    2. Membrane hormone receptors
    3. Intracellular receptors
  7. Introduction to metabolism
    1. Basic concepts: metabolic pathways (anabolism and catabolism)
    2. Thermodynamic foundations of biochemical processes: Gibbs free energy
    3. Compounds rich in hydrolysis energy
    4. Metabolic obtaining of energy
    5. Krebs cycle
    6. Oxidative phosphorylation
  8. Carbohydrate metabolism
    1. Glycolysis
    2. Gluconeogenesis
    3. Glycolysis-gluconeogenesis regulation
    4. Pentose phosphate pathway
    5. Glycogen synthesis and degradation. Regulation
  9. Lipids
    1. Types of lipids
    2. Lipid metabolism: oxidation of fatty acids
    3. Ketone body metabolism
    4. Fatty acid synthesis
  10. Nucleic acids
    1. Structure and function of DNA and RNA
    2. DNA biosynthesis
    3. Replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Comparison
  11. Transcription and translation
    1. RNA synthesis in prokaryotes, RNA polymerase and promoters
    2. RNA synthesis in eukaryotes
    3. Posttranscriptional processes and RNA processing
    4. The genetic code and protein synthesis
    5. Post-translational modifications


According to the Academic Regulations for undergraduate studies at UVic-UCC, there is only one official call for applications that provides for two different evaluation periods:

  • Ordinary period, which takes place as part of the training process and during the school period.
  • Complementary evaluation period, in which the student can be evaluated again for the tasks, activities or tests that he or she did not pass satisfactorily within the framework of the first period.

Ordinary period

Continuous evaluation of the activities carried out by the student is carried out through:

  1. Evaluation of the topics: 50%
    1. First partial: 25%; recoverable
    2. Second partial: 25%; recoverable
  2. Activities: 30%; non-recoverable
  3. Internships: 20%
    1. Dossier of internships and attendance at internships: not recoverable
    2. Practice exam: recoverable

The final grade for the subject is the result of the weighting of the grades obtained in each of the parts, provided that the average exam grade is equal to or greater than 5 and that no exam has a grade lower than 4.5.

The subject is considered passed if the weighted average of all activities is equal to or greater than 5.

Attendance at practical classes

Attendance at practicals is mandatory and absence entails a suspension of this part of the subject.

Complementary evaluation period

Retakeable activities or tests that have not been satisfactorily passed in the ordinary period can be retaken as long as they do not represent more than 50% of the subject.

To pass the subject, the same conditions as in the ordinary period must be met.


Plagiarism or copying someone else's work is penalized in all universities and, according to the UVic-UCC coexistence rules, constitute serious or very serious faults. Therefore, during the course of this subject, plagiarism or the improper appropriation of texts or ideas from other people (see What is considered plagiarism?) and the improper or undeclared use of artificial intelligence in an activity automatically result in suspension or other disciplinary measures.

To cite texts and materials appropriately, you must consult the academic citation guidelines and guidelines available on the UVic Library website.


Face-to-face mode

  • Presentation of content with the class group
  • Carrying out exercises based on the theoretical content presented in class (independent and individual work)
  • Exercise correction tutorials with the class group
  • Laboratory practices and carrying out exercises on the topics covered in the practices

Blended learning

  • Carrying out activities based on the study topics (independent and individual work)
  • Carrying out online questionnaires
  • Exercise correction tutorials with the class group
  • Laboratory practices and carrying out exercises on the topics covered in the practices


Key references

  • Feduchi Canosa E., Romero Magdalena, C., Yáñez Conde, E., Blasco Castiñeyra, I., García-Hoz Jiménez, C. (2021). Bioquímica: Conceptos esenciales (3 ed.). Médica Panamericana.
  • Tymoczko, J.L., Berg, J.M., Stryer, L. (2014). Bioquímica: Curso básico. Editorial Reverté.

Further reading

Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.

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