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Anatomy I

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Anatomy I


Basic Training (BT)

Academic year






GroupLanguage of instructionTeachers
G11, classroom instruction, morningsCatalanJuan Tony Da Sousa Valente
Vicenç Català Cahís
Vinicius Rosa De Oliveira
G15, classroom instruction, afternoonsSpanishVicenç Català Cahís
Juan Tony Da Sousa Valente
Vinicius Rosa De Oliveira
G16, classroom instruction, afternoonsSpanishJuan Tony Da Sousa Valente
Vinicius Rosa De Oliveira
Vicenç Català Cahís
G19, blended learning, afternoonsSpanishVicenç Català Cahís
Juan Tony Da Sousa Valente

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

SDG logo
  • 3. Good health and well-being
  • 4. Quality education


This subject, together with Anatomy II, is part of the Human Anatomy subject and provides knowledge about the structures of the body. No specific prior knowledge is required to take this subject.

The main objectives of the Anatomy I subject are for students to acquire:

  • General knowledge of the structure of the human body
  • Basic knowledge of human histology and embryology
  • Knowledge of the different parts of human anatomy

Learning outcomes

  • LO1. Identify the anatomical structures that make up the different organs and systems of the human body.
  • LO2. Describe the levels of organization of the human body.
  • LO3. Correctly uses the terminology of the microscopic and macroscopic structures that make up the human body.


Specific skills

  • Collect, analyze and critically interpret relevant information on the user/patient and their context, within a biopsychosocial approach, to evaluate and make a clinical assessment of functional impairment, activity or participation.

Basic skills

  • Students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that builds on general secondary education with the support of advanced textbooks and knowledge of the latest advances in this field of study.
  • Students have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of independent learning.

Core skills

  • Communicate orally, in writing and audiovisually, in one's own language and in foreign languages, with proficiency in form, content and use.


  1. Introduction to anatomy
    1. Organization of the human body
    2. Life processes
    3. Body cavities
    4. Basic anatomical terminology
      1. Body plans
      2. Directional terms
  2. The cell. Cellular structure and function
    1. General characteristics of the cell
    2. Plasma membrane
      1. Composition
    3. Cytoplasm
      1. Cytosol
      2. Cellular organelles
    4. Core
  3. Histology - basic tissues
    1. Epithelial tissue
    2. Connective tissue
      1. Blood
      2. Cartilaginous tissue
      3. Bone tissue
    3. Muscle tissue
    4. Nervous tissue
  4. Embryology
    1. Concept, definition and history of embryology
    2. Cell division period
    3. Embryonic development
    4. Fetal development
    5. Anomalies in the gestation period
    6. Stem cells
  5. Cardiovascular system
    1. Embryology
    2. Functions
    3. The heart
      1. Location
      2. Macroscopic structure
        1. Pericardium
        2. Heart wall
    4. External anatomical structure
      1. Accompanying glasses
    5. Internal anatomical structure
      1. Valves
    6. Cardiac circulation
    7. Types of circulations
      1. Systemic circulation
      2. Pulmonary circulation
      3. Door circulation
    8. Vascular system
      1. Types of blood vessels and histological structure
      2. Blood pressure - physiology
    9. Large vessels of the body
  6. Lymphatic system
  7. Respiratory system
    1. Embryology
    2. Basic processes
    3. Airway (include the histology of each area, see the changes in its mucosa throughout the apparatus)
      1. Nasal cavity
      2. Pharynx
      3. Larynx
      4. Bronchi
      5. Bronchioles
      6. Pulmonary alveoli
    4. The lungs
    5. Breathing muscles
  8. Urinary system
    1. Kidney functions
    2. Kidney structure
    3. Functional unit of the kidney: the nephron
    4. Kidney irrigation
    5. Urinary tract
    6. The bladder
    7. Urinary embryology
  9. Digestive system
    1. Embryology
    2. Digestive processes
    3. Components of the digestive tract wall
    4. Peritoneum
    5. Gastrointestinal tract, microscopic and macroscopic anatomy
      1. Mouth
      2. Pharynx
      3. Esophagus
      4. Stomach
      5. Small intestine
      6. Large intestine and rectum
    6. Accessory organs (includes histology)
      1. Liver
      2. Pancreas
  10. Genital system
    1. Embryology
    2. Male reproductive system
      1. Testicles
      2. Duct system
      3. Associated glands
      4. Penis
    3. Female reproductive system
      1. Ovaries
      2. Genital system
      3. Breasts


According to the Academic Regulations for undergraduate studies at UVic-UCC, there is only one official call for applications that provides for two different evaluation periods:

  • Ordinary evaluation period, which takes place as part of the training process and during the school period.
  • Complementary evaluation period, in which the student can be evaluated for the tasks, activities or retaken tests that he/she has not passed satisfactorily within the framework of the ordinary period. The evaluation of this second period cannot represent more than 50% of the final grade of the subject. The final grade for this period is obtained by taking the weighted average of the grades obtained during the ordinary period and, if some activities have been recovered, in the complementary evaluation. To establish this final grade, the last grade obtained by the student is taken as a reference.

The evaluation of the subject is done according to the following criteria:

1. Ordinary evaluation

  • Individual activities: 60%
    • Midterm exam 1: 25%recoverable
    • Midterm exam 2: 25%recoverable
    • Other individual activities: 10%; not recoverable
  • Group activities: 40%
    • Cooperative work: 25%; not recoverable
    • Other group activities (ABP, ACC, etc.): 15%; not recoverable

To pass the subject, the following four requirements must be met:

  1. That the note of each midterm exam be ≥4.5.
  2. That the weighted average of the midterm exams be ≥5.0.
  3. That the weighted average of all individual assessment activities be ≥5.0.
  4. That the weighted average of all assessment activities (individual and group) either ≥5.0.

2. Complementary evaluation

  • Retakeable activities or tests that have not been satisfactorily passed during the ordinary period can be retaken as long as they do not represent more than 50% of the subject. To pass the subject, the same requirements as in the ordinary period must be met.
  • All exams (ordinary or supplementary assessment period) are face-to-face.


Plagiarism or copying someone else's work is penalized in all universities and, according to the UVic-UCC coexistence rules, constitute serious or very serious faults. Therefore, during the course of this subject, plagiarism or the improper appropriation of texts or ideas from other people (see What is considered plagiarism?) and the improper or undeclared use of artificial intelligence in an activity automatically result in suspension or other disciplinary measures.

To cite texts and materials appropriately, you must consult the academic citation guidelines and guidelines available on the UVic Library website.


  • Master classes (group class)
  • Carrying out exercises based on the theoretical content presented in class (independent and individual work)
  • Practical sessions with anatomical and 3D virtual anatomy models (SECTRA) at the Transversal Simulation Laboratory and SECTRA
  • Exercise correction tutorials (class group)
  • Carrying out extension and synthesis work (class group)
  • Study of the syllabus (independent and individual work)


Key references

  • Netter, F.H. (2011). Atlas de anatomía humana (5 ed.). Elsevier Masson.
  • Tortora, G.J. , Derrickson, B. (2018). Principios de anatomía y fisiología (15 ed.). Médica Panamericana.
  • Young, B., O'Dowd, G., Woodford, P. (2014). Wheater. Histología funcional: Texto y atlas en color (6 ed.). Elsevier España.

Further reading

Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.

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