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Creativity in Public Relations

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Advertising and Public Relations


Creativity in Public Relations


Compulsory (CO)

Academic year






GroupLanguage of instructionTeachers
G15, classroom instruction, afternoonsSpanishAnna Grané Escalé

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

SDG logo
  • 5. Gender equality
  • 12. Responsible consumption and production


  • Apply creativity in public relations through professional guidance practices.
  • Solve successfully briefings of cases raised in the field of public relations.
  • Familiarize yourself with the working tools of a public relations professional from a creative point of view.

Learning outcomes

  • Identify the advertising and public relations theories, processes, structures and techniques that give rise to the functions of the different departments of an advertising agency, creative boutique, consultancy or media centre in conventional, virtual and emerging environments.
  • Transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions appropriately and in accordance with academic standards, in a creative and innovative way, to both specialized and non-specialized audiences, being respectful of linguistic diversity and diverse social, cultural, gender and economic realities.
  • Implement a communication plan for an organization, a brand, or a product that is the result of the relational and investigative capacity to establish a fluid and competent interaction between the advertiser and the agency based on the parameters of creativity and innovation.
  • Operate in different computer and digital environments (multidisciplinary and complex) linked to the communication disciplines in all their written, visual and audiovisual dimensions (in one's own language and in foreign languages) in addition to those that facilitate new relationships with the public in face-to-face, virtual and emerging environments, with a high degree of creativity and innovation in form and content.


  1. Creative thinking in public relations
  2. Creativity applied to public relations techniques and tactics
    1. Creativity in event management and planning
    2. Creativity in relations with the press (publicity, press releases, media kits, advertorials, etc.)
    3. Creativity in internal public relations
    4. Creativity in community relations


Continuous evaluation system

  1. Completion of group work: 65%
    • 4 practices from block A: 32.5% (each 8.12%)
    • 4 practices from block B: 32.5% (each 8.12%)
  2. Observation of individual participation and monitoring of work carried out: 15%
    • Each student must post at least one comment on the forum, critically analysing a creative public relations campaign different from that of his or her peers. Attendance and level of involvement within the work group are also assessed.
  3. Specific assessment test (individual work): 20%

Recovery measures

Only students who have an average grade of more than 4 out of 10 at the end of the semester can take a make-up test. This test allows them to achieve a final pass at most (maximum 5 out of 10).


  • Training activities: lecture by the professor, viewing of videos and conferences, simulations and roleplays, making presentations, making videos or audiovisual materials, case studies, oral presentations and project defenses, reading and understanding texts, exams and tests, searching for bibliographical information and documentary research, practical application activities, project preparation.
  • Types of sessions: work sessions with the whole class group and the teacher; group tutoring sessions with the teacher; independent group work sessions.
  • Contexts in which the activity is developed: in the classroom and at home.
  • Other interaction channels: Virtual Campus forum.
  • Specific techniques to highlight: creativity stimulation techniques. Public relations techniques.
  • Forms of grouping studied: according to individual initiative of the students.
  • Other interaction channels: Virtual Campus.


Key references

  • Fraser, Seitel (2020). The Practice of Public Relations. Retrieved from
  • Green, A. (2010). Creativity in Public Relations (PR in Practice). Kogan Page.
  • Johnston, J., & Glenny, L. (2020). Strategic Communication. Public relations at work. Retrieved from
  • Smith, R. (2019). Becoming a Public Relations Writer: Strategic Writing for Emerging and Established Media. Retrieved from
  • Xifra, J. (2014). Manual de relaciones públicas e institucionales. Anaya.

Further reading

Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.

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