Text traduït
Aquesta assignatura s'imparteix en anglès. El pla docent en català és una traducció de l'anglès.
La traducció al català està desactualitzada.
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Texto con traducción automática
Esta asignatura se imparte en inglés. El plan docente en español es una traducción automática del inglés.
La traducción automática puede contener errores y lagunas. ¡Consúltala solo con finalidades informativas!
Original text
This subject is taught in English. The course guide was originally written in English.
Advertising and Public Relations
Audiovisual Media Post-production
Compulsory (CO)
Academic year
Group | Language of instruction | Teachers |
G25, classroom instruction, afternoons | English | Ricardo Parra González |
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
- 5. Gender equality
- 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
The aim of this subject is to give students the tools of post-production, as well as those included in the discipline of composition.
It gives a general introduction, and overview of the software currently available to postproduce a project (Premiere Pro, After Effects...).
Students learn the basic tools to edit a clip and create motion graphics.
Learning outcomes
Under review. Pending publication
- Editing
- Interface
- Compositions
- Resolution
- Pixel aspect ratio
- Fps
- Metadata
- Tools
- Insert
- Overwrite
- Slip
- Lock
- Multicam
- Media encoder
- Motion Graphics
- Workflow
- Layers
- Solids
- Shapes
- Text layer
- Masking
- Shape
- Alpha
- Luminance
- Blending modes
- Animation
- Keyframes
- Parent animation
- Graphic
- Effects
- Adjustment layers
- Generators
- Colour
- Displacement map
The final grade is calculated as follows:
- 30%: Editing task - Movie trailer
- 20%: Logo animation
- 40%: Animation task - Poster animation
- 10%: Attendance & participation
- Theoretical-practical presentation of one of the editing/composition tools.
- Exercises as a group in class.
- Individual exercises.
Key references
- Johnston, Ollie (1981). The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12_basic_principles_of_animation
- Kramer, Andrew (2005). Videocopilot.net: for Post Production Professionals [DVD]. Videocopilot.
Further reading
Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.