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Editing for the Press

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Editing for the Press


Compulsory (CO)

Academic year






GroupLanguage of instructionTeachers
G11, classroom instruction, morningsSpanishAuri Garcia Morera


This subject complements the content learned in Press Writing Workshop II during the first semester. If in the first part of the course the students have carried out reporting tasks, in Edition de Pressa - understood as a second part - they work on issues that have to do with the review and final quality control of the text before its publication in a newspaper The degree, the rigor in the citation of the sources or the consistency with the editorial line, with the language model and with the contents of the header are some of the aspects that are dealt with together with the use of an ethical language or the review prior to the final linguistic correction. Students also have to update timeless texts, as if they had been kept in a newspaper's refrigerator archive, and adapt news to different formats or lengths depending on the needs of a simulated medium. While in the Writing Workshop subject the focus is on the construction of the news "on the street", Press Edition is focused on the reconstruction of the information "at the writing table". Students work as newspaper editors, a figure who supervises and coordinates the daily content of the media.


  • Master the written journalistic language.
  • Knowing how to revise (edit) journalistic texts.
  • Learn to have journalistic judgment and know how to manage current and/or general interest information.
  • Have the capacity and ability to express oneself fluently and effectively in writing using the linguistic and literary resources that are most appropriate for the different media.
  • Learn to reflect critically on the value of diversity and its reflection through ethical language in the media.

Learning outcomes

  • Recognize the elements and values of journalism, the routines and procedures, as well as the genres and formats that characterize the exercise of the journalistic profession.
  • Communicate information, ideas, arguments, comments or opinions in an orderly and clear manner to both specialist and non-specialist audiences, taking linguistic, social, cultural and gender diversity into account.
  • Apply critical thinking, ethical commitment and strategic vision to the different phases of professional journalism routines and in the relationship with diverse audiences.
  • Demonstrate motivation, creativity and initiative in the development of academic and professional projects, as well as commitment to quality, rigor and ethics.
  • Master the written, oral, audiovisual, graphic, hypertext and multimedia languages, to present information in an effective journalistic way, both in Catalan and Spanish and in English, and with adaptation to the medium and the audience.


  1. Editing concept. Publishing i editing
  2. Metatextual reading. Clarity and conciseness
  3. Editorial criteria. Holders and hierarchy
  4. Editorial criteria. Contrasting and ethics
  5. Editorial style and line. Style books
  6. Editorial coordination. Contents and formats
  7. Relationship with the audience. participation
  8. Multi-platform edition. Language adaptation
  9. specialization Digital tools
  10. specialization Data journalism


The final grade of the course is obtained from the following assessment activities:

  • Course practices (daily): 60%
  • Current affairs tests and case analysis (daily): 30%
  • Report for an editorial project: 10%


The course is developed in an absolutely practical way. The students do guided practices every class day and through the practices, the theoretical content is worked on throughout the sessions. In addition, students track current events, analyze cases of editorial decision-making or media errors, and prepare a report for an editorial project.


Key references

  • Cassany, D. (2007). Esmolar l’eina: Guia de redacció per a professionals. Empúries.
  • Ferré, C. (2009). Con faltas y a lo loco: ¿Qué es la edición periodística? Editorial UOC.
  • Grijelmo, Á. (2014). El estilo del periodista: Consejos lingüísticos, profesionales y éticos para escribir en los medios (18 ed.). Taurus.
  • Pérez Colomé, J. (2011). Com escriure clar. Editorial UOC.

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