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Crisis Communication


Advertising and Public Relations


Crisis Communication


Optional (OP)




Offer the student formulas, procedures and techniques to learn how to communicate and resolve conflicts and business crises. Work in the resolution of conflicts and crises effectively, providing the basis for prevention, management and post-crisis.

Learning outcomes

  • Raise awareness of the need to know how to communicate in cases of crisis or conflict.
  • Knowing how to communicate effectively according to the type of crisis or conflict.
  • Get the tools and techniques for crisis and conflict resolution.


Topic 1. Introduction.
The crisis

Topic 2. The crisis and reputation
Crisis communication and conflict resolution.

Topic 3. Lobby
Tools for crisis and conflict management.

Topic 4. Practical cases and crisis drills.
Resolution and analysis of practical cases. Execution and evaluation of crisis drills.

Topic 5. Work: How to respond to the media.
Spokesperson training


Individual practices 40%. 40% will be obtained from a Project of the subject at the end of the semester and the remaining 20% from the drills.


The subject, despite having an important theoretical part so that the basic concepts are acquired correctly, has a practical approach.
In the sessions with the whole group, the class is where the teacher explains the theoretical knowledge of each of the different topics in order to later solve the corresponding practical cases.
It is necessary for the student to devote a few hours of personal work each week to this subject in order to consolidate the knowledge acquired in the different subjects. It is about following a weekly rhythm of solving exercises in line with what has been explained in class. With this personal work, the student must also review the theoretical aspects discussed in class using the corresponding summaries and diagrams. In the subject's work plan is where the student will find specified weekly the forecast of what will be done in the class group sessions.

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