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Traditional and Folk Games

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Physical Education and Sports Sciences


Traditional and Folk Games


Optional (OP)





GroupLanguage of instructionTeachers
G11, classroom instruction, morningsCatalanVictor Baroja Benlliure


This subject trains students in the knowledge, practice and didactic use of popular and traditional games in educational and leisure settings, taking advantage of the identity components, roots in the territory and social cohesion that their collective practice presents.

The objectives are:

  • Learn about the explanatory theories about the origins and functions of popular and traditional games in order to reflect on the importance of games as a cultural element of societies.
  • Apply the methodological bases to investigate, recover and practice popular and traditional games within the framework of physical education.
  • Discover and practice some of the main popular and traditional games typical of Catalonia and other places, in the context of a multicultural society with contributions from universal popular culture.
  • Organize and manage "play" in different contexts: in leisure, in a secondary school classroom...

Learning outcomes

Under review. Pending publication


Block I. Anthropology of popular and traditional games

  • Homo faber / homo ludens: popular games as a socio-educational medium
  • Popular games for knowledge of the sociocultural environment
  • Universality of play in human societies

Block II. In search of the lost game

  • The game as a system
  • The types of games
  • Research methodology in popular games

Block III. Let's play popular and traditional games

  • Knowledge of games from today and yesterday, from here and everywhere
  • Preparation in small groups of game sessions
  • Presentation and realization of sessions in the class group


  1. Class activity assignment: 15%; non-refundable
  2. Self-assessment of game work: 10%
  3. Presentation of individual research work on games from the student's community of origin: 35%; recoverable
  4. Work and game session in small groups. Preparation of materials and presentation of the final report: 20% + 20%; the practical part is not recoverable

To pass the subject, you must satisfactorily pass the different sections.


The class sessions They are dedicated to developing the contents of block I based on the teacher's explanations, the mandatory reading of texts and their discussion in class.

In the guided work sessions Block III is worked on in small groups and individually by selecting, preparing, presenting and performing various popular and traditional games, current and ancient, from the different regions of Catalonia and other places in the world.

The individual tutoring sessions are intended to work on block II in an applied way. Field work is planned and carried out which consists of researching games specific to the student's community of origin.

During the personal working hours The student must complete the assigned tasks related to each of the three blocks.

The development of the work of the three blocks is done alternately, following the work plan.


Key references

  • Allué, Josep Maria (2000). Un, dos, tres, pica paret! : jocs populars i tradicionals. La Galera.
  • ARMENGAUD. C. (2010). Joguines de la natura. Mediterrània.
  • Bantulà, Jaume (2002). Juegos multiculturales : 225 juegos tradicionales para un mundo global. Paidotribo.
  • Lavega i Burgués, Pere (1999). 1000 juegos y deportes populares y tradicionales : la tradición jugada. Paidotribo.

Further reading

Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.

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