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Structure of the Communication System

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Structure of the Communication System


Basic Training (BT)

Academic year






GroupLanguage of instructionTeachers
G11, classroom instruction, morningsSpanishNahuel Faedo
Xavier Ginesta Portet

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

SDG logo
  • 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions


This subject allows you to know and analyze the current situation of the cultural and media industry, international, Catalan and Spanish. It works on the way in which the various means of communication (press, radio, television and new platforms) have configured complex communication systems, with multiple synergies between participating actors, and approaches it from a historical, political and social point of view and economic

It aims to train students in the basics of political economy and the rules of operation of media companies, with special attention to the evolution and current situation of media groups at an international level, but also in the Catalan and Spanish markets.

Learning outcomes

  • Identify the role of journalism in relation to society, human rights and social or personal diversity in the different dimensions, in a local, national and global context.
  • Discuss situations and cases in the field of study based on the interpretation of the historical, political, cultural and socio-economic framework, and its evolution over time.
  • Interpret the structure and system of the media in the context of the digital age by identifying the main actors and conditioning factors.
  • Develop professional or academic tasks and projects in complex environments through effective cooperation with plural teams in face-to-face or virtual environments, and with efficient use of digital resources and tools.


  1. Initial concepts
    • Concept of structure: system and communication
    • The industrial revolution: consequences and formation of mass media
    • The press: history and current markets
  2. The formation of the global world
    • The formation of the global media. Postwar i free-flow
    • The NOMIC debate and the MacBride report
    • Neoliberalism and communication
    • The global media system: the communication groups
    • The think tanks: creators of ideologies for a global world
  3. Current structure of the audiovisual system
    • Initial concepts: the models of Hallin and Mancini
    • Radio and television. Situation in the main European markets and in the USA
    • Radio and television in Catalonia and Spain. Origins, reform and new legislation
  4. The future of the communication sector
    • Globalization, internet and network society
    • Emerging industries and sectors. The hegemony of the entertainment sector


The evaluation is continuous. The final mark is the weighted mark of the different parts. It is cumulative, so you don't have to beat the parts separately.

  • Synthesis test: 40%
  • Group work: 25%
  • Press kit: 20%
  • Classroom participation and work monitoring (virtual and face-to-face): 15%

In the event of a new health emergency that involves confinement, the activities and assessment weights will not be altered. If they cannot be done in person, they will be transferred to virtuality.

Individual assessment

The subject foresees a synthesis test (40%), which takes place outside the teaching weeks and has its relevant review.

Group assessment

The course work (25 %) and group work consists of making an x-ray of the media system of one of the member countries of the Council of Europe. During the course, the teacher gives the guidelines for doing the work and during the classes marked as tutoring he monitors it.

The same group makes a certain number of press kits (20%), during one week of the course, which it exhibits at the beginning of the practical class.

Participation in the classroom and monitoring the work (15%) is done through the reading of academic articles or other readings that the teacher distributes among the work groups at the beginning of the year, and which must present to the rest of the class in a scheduled manner in order to generate debate.

Internships can only be recovered/delivered later in the cases marked by faculty regulations (consult the teaching staff).


The work methodology is divided between theoretical (Thursday) and practical (Friday) sessions.

In the theory sessions, the basic content is given to be able to follow the course, in the form of a master class or a debate in the classroom, and emphasis is placed on the various aspects of the communication system.

In the practical sessions, in working groups of 4-6 people, the class is divided into two blocks:

  • In the first part, each week a group presents its press kit in front of the rest of the class, who can discuss it with the teacher and analyze it. The press folders consist of reviewing the news that have appeared in the media during the week relating to the communication system (press, radio, television, cinema, new technologies, advertising...) and presenting them to the class to generate debate among the rest of the classmates.
  • In the second part of the class, the debate is generated and/or work is carried out on the articles that have been assigned to read, and the preparation and implementation of specific practices in relation to these articles. These discussions can take place in the classroom or through collaborative activities (wikis and forums) on the virtual campus.


Key references

  • Castells, Manuel (2009). Comunicación y poder. Alianza Editorial.
  • García Santamaría, José Vicente; Pérez-Serrano, María José (2024). Grupos de comunicación españoles: final de etapa. UOC.
  • Ginesta, Xavier (2020). Les multinacionals de l'entreteniment: Futbol, diplomàcia, identitat i tecnologia. UOC.
  • Hallin, Daniel C.-Mancini, Paolo (2009). Sistemas mediáticos comparados: tres modelos de relación entre los medios de comunicación y la política. Hacer.
  • Marzal, Javier (2015). Las televisiones públicas autonómicas del siglo XXI. Nuevos escenarios tres el cierre de RTVV. Aldea Global.

Further reading

Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.

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