Which is the difference between the International Relations Office and the Internationalization Units? Obrir/Tancar Which is the difference between The International Campus and the Internationalization Units?
The International Relations Office deals with all the non-academic information related to your stay.
The Internationalization Units deal with all academic information related to your studies. Each faculty has its own Internationalization Unit
Researchers, professors and staff
PDI: Personal Docent i Investigador (Teaching and research staff)
PAS: Personal d'Administració i Serveis ( Administration and services staff)
General FAQs
Catalan is the main language at UVic-UCC and, together with Spanish, is co-official throughout Catalonia, we strongly recommend that you register for the Catalan language courses offered at the University. However, each faculty offers subjects in english for local and international students.
The International Relations Office and the main UVic-UCC services offer information in Catalan, Spanish and English.
Anyone over 18 with a valid national driving license from their home country can legally drive in Spain—at first. For Non-EU/EEA citizens, this applies for the first six months after moving to Spain and gaining residency. For EU/EEA nationals, it’s valid until the Driving license expires.
After six months you must register your details with the traffic authorities. You can do this at your Registro Central de Conductores e Infractores of the Provincial Traffic Headquarters (Jefatura Provincial de Tráfico).
Your driving license is redeemable if you obtained it before the agreement was signed. If it is after that, you can also exchange it if you were not living in Spain at that time.
If your country of origin does not appear in the list of countries with an agreement, you cannot exchange your driving license, you will have to obtain a new one.
Where can I make an appointment?
Visit the website of Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT) to consult all the information and to request an appointment.