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The University in action!

Exemplar de toturga babaua de la temporada 2024

Colonisation by sea turtles on the coasts of the Spanish Mediterranean continues

The beaches of Spain's coastline and the rest of the western Mediterranean have been experiencing a rise in the numbers of nests by loggerhead turtles detected (Caretta caretta) over the last decade. The increase in the number of nests in these regions is due to

People from Aura residence (Manlleu). Join4Joy project.

Two residential homes in Osona are taking part in a European project to promote physical exercise among elderly people

Staying active has benefits for people's health. However, focusing on enjoyment rather than health may be a good way to encourage people aged 65 and over to do regular exercise. Furthermore, some older people have difficulty obtaining access to exercise, and as such the programmes

Estudiants fent un mostreig

Plastics from packaging and single-use wipes are the most common pollutants in rivers according to the "Plastic Pirates" project”

This is the third year that various schools have participated in the "Plastic Pirates" citizen science project, which has been studying pollutants in rivers since it was launched in 2021, and which is coordinated by the BETA Technology Center at the University of Vic -

Els estudis de Traducció i Interpretació de la UVic-UCC fan 30 anys

Translation and Interpretation courses at UVic-UCC are thirty years old

 Vic University Studies launched the first year of its degree course in Translation and Interpretation in the 1993-1994 academic year. This course gave its name to the new Faculty of Translation and Interpretation, located in the Palau Bojons building, in the city's historic centre. It

Foto de grup dels participants al X Congrés Ibèric d'Ictiologia

The tenth Iberian Congress of Ichthyology comes to an end with the challenge of creating closer ties between researchers and government

Increasing working synergies between academia and government agencies is one of the main challenges that the experts discussed at the tenth Iberian Congress of Ichthyology, organised by the Iberian Society of Ichthyology (SIBIC), the Mediterranean Rivers Studies Centre (CERM) and the Aquatic Ecology research

Un moment del patronat de la FUBalmes, a la Sala Gòtica

The Balmes University Foundation anticipates a budget of over 60 million Euros for the first time, and it will increase by 8% next year

The Board of Trustees of the Balmes University Foundation (FUBalmes) approved the provisional settlement of the budget for the 2023-2024 academic year, which ends on 30 June, at its plenary meeting on Wednesday afternoon. The budget is balanced once again, with a total income of

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