The International Campus Support Point (ICSP) is part of the International Relations Office and works with UHub, the University Community Unit. ICSP provides information and support for the international community staying at UVic for short, midterm and long-term periods.
Updates and important comunications - Current affairs
Team | Contact |
Judit Cabanas Elisabet Fernandez | icsupport@uvic.cat (+34) 938 81 61 76 C. Sagrada Família, 7 - 08500, Vic |

UVic-UCC in figures
Annual Report

Starting out at UVic-UCC
University Campuses and Virtual Tour

Services (in Spanish)
Library, Languages, Alumni, Equality Unit, Student Support, Entrepreneurship Unit, etc.

UVic Societies (in Spanish)
Emboirats, Mentor Programme, Theatre Group, University Choir, Student Representatives Council, Debating League, Inclusive Orchestra and Lifelong Learning for the Elderly

Sports Card, competitions, courses and activities, high performance sportspeople and credit recognition

UVic life
Student card, lockers, orange zone, Wifi, printing, U-Vals (discounts) etc

Activities (in Spanish)
Festa Major, Campus Market, courses, blood donation etc.

Sharing accommodation with other students and halls of residence

How to get to Vic
By plane, train, bus or car

Our city and culture
The city of Vic, things you can't miss, fairs, surroundings etc.

Visa & NIE
Do you have all your documents ready to come?

Barcelona Welcome Desk
Find out about the priority formalities you will have to carry out if you wish to live in Barcelona. They offer you key information, clearly explained, on fulfilling administrative requirements.

Health Cover
Do you need medical insurance?

Primary Healthcare Centres, hospitals, police and safety tips

Other useful information
Weather, electricity, clothing etc.