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The EU’s fishing industry produces 2.5 million tonnes of waste per year that could be converted into biofertilizers

Every year the global fisheries industry generates more than 20 million tonnes of by-products, most of which are squandered. This means that after the catches have been processed, 25% of the total ends up being discarded as waste, which especially includes fish species which they were not trying to catch or other remains from industrial fish processing. In the European Union, this waste accounts for a total of 5.2 million tonnes per year.

The Crossroads project, from the UVic-UCC’s CEIG, now has a draft guide to best practices

The four partners in the European Crossroads project, led by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies (CEIG) at the UVic-UCC, held their third working meeting on 21 January of this year. The session enabled the participants to further their exchange of social and educational practices geared at lowering early school drop-outs and to evaluate the first draft of the guide to best practices for professors which they are preparing, along with a compilation of tools and methodologies.

The European CO3 project is developing modulable open-source software to apply in citizen participation processes

Three pilot tests in Paris, Athens and Turin are getting underway in the first few months of 2021 to get citizens involved in defining policies and taking public decisions which are usually taken by administrations, institutions and entities. They will be doing so within the framework of the European research project CO3.

A study examines prostitution in Central Catalonia and highlights its exclusion and lack of visibility

Prostitution and how to address it has been a subject of constant political, social and academic debate in recent years. A new study entitled "Diagnosi de la Prostitució a la Catalunya Central" [Diagnosis of Prostitution in Central Catalonia], focusing on the situation in the regions of Anoia, Bages and Osona, has just been published.

UVic-UCC once again tops the transparency ranking for private universities

The University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia once again tops the transparency ranking of Spanish private universities for the fourth consecutive - this year, tied with Nebrija University. This is the result of the 2019 Transparency Examination, which is organised by the Fundación Compromiso y Transparencia, and was announced last Monday.

Good conservation and management of lakes and ponds can contribute to slowing climate change

Fresh water on planet Earth is scarce, as it accounts for only about 2.5% of the total. Between 30% and 50% of this total fresh water area is in pools and ponds, a resource that despite being exceptional is home to 70% of Europe's aquatic species. They also contain more rare, endemic and endangered species such as amphibians, invertebrates or plants, than those found in lakes or rivers. The small size of pools and ponds has even today led to doubts being raised over their status as resources that contribute to the planet's biological balance and to the fight against climate change.

A collaboration between Blanquerna-URL and UVic-UCC culminates in the patent for an innovative device for improving sports performance and people's health

The doctoral thesis currently being written by the Blanquerna-URL doctoral student Joan Aguilera, jointly supervised by Bernat Buscà, a senior lecturer at the URL, and Javier Peña, the director of the Physical Activity and Sports Studies Centre (CEEAF) at UVic-UCC, has led to an application for a patent for an innovative device to improve the results of strength training, and to prevent sports injuries and other pathologies.

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