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82% of UVic bachelor's degree students find work six months after completing their studies, and 88% have a job within three years

82% of UVic bachelor's degree students have found work six months after completing their studies. This figure rises to 100% among graduates in Mechatronics Engineering, Multimedia Engineering, Nursing and Human Nutrition and Dietetics, which are above the Catalan average, and reaches 95% for Business Administration and Management, 92% for Advertising and Public Relations, and 90% for Physiotherapy.

Next academic year, UVic-UCC will have a new Faculty of Design and Engineering and two new degrees in Barcelona with the incorporation of Elisava

The Universitat de Vic - Universitat  Central de Catalunya (UVic-UCC) will kick off academic year 2021-2022 by expanding its range of academic programmes to a total of 37 degrees taught between the Vic and Manresa campuses, the new Barcelona campus, the branch in Granollers and its affiliated centres.

UVic-UCC will have a doctoral programme in Sports and Human Movement Sciences next year

Starting next year, UVic-UCC will offer a new doctoral programme in Sports and Human Movement Sciences, which will have ten places annually for students to produce theses in a field that has recently been the focus of significant research. Last December, the University System of Catalonia Quality Agency (AQU) finally ratified the new programme, the tenth at the Doctoral College.

A study led by Roberto Elosua, a lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine, shows that not all good cholesterol is healthy

HDL cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), known as "good cholesterol", is associated with a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease as it transports cholesterol deposited in the arteries to the liver for elimination. However, LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol), known or "bad cholesterol", causes cholesterol to build up in the arteries and increases cardiovascular risk.

A report reveals that the digital solutions currently available to informal caregivers do not meet all of their needs

There are currently many information and communication technology (ICT) solutions in Europe for people providing care to those living with Alzheimer's disease. These solutions provide tools to help informal caregivers in areas such as reducing their workload, anxiety, stress and its negative consequences, and increasing opportunities for positive interactions and support. Many of these digital solutions involve co-creation methods in their design, which means they have been created with input from end users, who in this case are informal caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Two neighbourhoods in Vic are hosting the pilot test of a new community composting system led by the BETA Technology Center

The neighbourhoods of Sant Llàtzer and the Four Stations of Vic will host a pilot test for the community composting of the organic fraction of waste generated in the neighbourhoods from March onwards. The main aim of this pilot test will be to evaluate the potential of this system for in situ management of the green fraction in these two neighbourhoods, and to determine whether it can be a more environmentally and economically sustainable solution than the current management system.

Neurekalab creates the NeurekaNUM application to help children with dyscalculia with their learning

March 3 is International Dyscalculia Day, which marks a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects mathematical learning and numerical skills. This learning difficulty is also known as "mathematical dyslexia," and is unrelated to the child's or young person's level of intelligence. The difficulty lies in their ability to interpret both the symbolic and non-symbolic aspects of mathematics. People who suffer from dyscalculia have difficulty interpreting numbers and mathematical signs, are unable to perform mental calculations or work with abstractions.

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