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Information and Communication Technologies

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Aquesta assignatura s'imparteix en anglès. El pla docent en català és una traducció de l'anglès.

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Texto traducido

Esta asignatura se imparte en inglés. El plan docente en español es una traducción del inglés.

La traducción al español está actualizada y es equivalente al original.

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Original text

This subject is taught in English. The course guide was originally written in English.


Global Studies


Information and Communication Technologies


Basic Training (BT)

Academic year






GroupLanguage of instructionTeachers
G11, classroom instruction, morningsEnglishMaria Queralt Tornafoch Chirveches


To enable students to effectively integrate technological tools in shaping the global society, both in research and in business internationalization and international cooperation. Students will learn to synthesize relevant information, design methodological schemes, and apply planning and project formulation strategies, using information and communication technologies to optimize processes, manage resources, and foster collaboration among different actors at a global level.

Learning outcomes

  • RAK9.1.1. Understand how available technological tools have shaped the global society and apply them to research projects.
  • RAS1.1.1. Summarise relevant information on best practices in business internationalisation and international cooperation using technology to collect, organise, and share knowledge effectively.
  • RAS1.1.2. Develop a structured plan to expand businesses or collaborations internationally using technology to connect and work together effectively.
  • RAS1.1.3. Use information and communication technology to plan, manage, and track internationalisation or cooperation projects effectively.


  1. Introduction to information and communication technologies (ICT)
    1. Overview of ICT and its role in shaping the global landscape
    2. Historical development of ICT
    3. Key concepts: digitalization, connectivity, and the impact on societies
  2. Global digital divides
    1. Examining global disparities in access to technology
    2. The role of ICT in development and its implications
    3. Strategies for bridging the digital divide on a global scale
  3. Social media and global communication
    1. The influence of social media on global communication
    2. Case studies on the impact of social media on political movements
    3. Ethical considerations and challenges in the age of social media
  4. Cybersecurity and global threats
    1. Understanding cybersecurity in a global context
    2. Cyber threats and their impact on international relations
  5. E-Government and digital governance
    1. The role of ICT in government administration
    2. Implications for citizen participation and transparency
  6. Data privacy and ethics
    1. The importance of data privacy in a globalized world
    2. Ethical considerations in data collection and use
    3. International regulations and frameworks for data protection
  7. Emerging technologies and future trends
    1. Exploration of cutting-edge technologies (e.g., AI, blockchain, IoT)
    2. Ethical considerations and policy implications


  • Specific assessment tests: exams. To be determined among these percentages: 30%-60%
  • Completion of required assignments or projects. To be determined among these percentages: 30%-40%


The course will use a practical and participatory methodology, where students will learn through the application of technological tools in real cases. Teamwork and collaboration will be encouraged, as well as research and analysis of relevant information for decision-making in the global field.

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