Text traduït
Aquesta assignatura s'imparteix en anglès. El pla docent en català és una traducció de l'anglès.
La traducció al català està actualitzada i és equivalent a l'original.
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Texto traducido
Esta asignatura se imparte en inglés. El plan docente en español es una traducción del inglés.
La traducción al español está actualizada y es equivalente al original.
Si lo prefieres, ¡consulta la traducción!
Original text
This subject is taught in English. The course guide was originally written in English.
Mechatronics Engineering
Manufacturing Process Engineering
Compulsory (CO)
Academic year
Group | Language of instruction | Teachers |
G15, classroom instruction, afternoons | English | Sergi Parareda Oriol |
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
- 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
- 12. Responsible consumption and production
The course Manufacturing Processes Engineering introduces students to the global framework on which companies' quality and metrology systems are based, and describes the most widely used manufacturing processes in the industrial environment: chip removal manufacturing (machining), and plastic deformation forming operations. This subject also includes knowledge of numerical control, of high importance in the field of production automation. Emphasis is also placed not only on the processes but also on the operation of the required machinery, a field of relevance for students, if their professional future goes through work with automatic production machines.
General skills
- Endeavour to combine independence and personal initiative with teamwork in multidisciplinary activities.
Specific skills
- Know about and how to apply the theoretical principles of production and manufacturing systems, and metrology and quality control in engineering, in order to create and interpret statistical data and analyse results. Apply environmental and sustainability technology in engineering.
- Use dynamic system modelling tools and simulation techniques. Understand and apply the properties of sensors, actuators and signal conditioners, in order to program programmable robots, numerical control and robots to develop complex robotic systems that improve processes and the final product.
Basic skills
- Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialists and non-specialists.
- Students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that builds on general secondary education with the support of advanced textbooks and knowledge of the latest advances in this field of study.
- Students have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of independent learning.
Core skills
- Be a critical thinker before knowledge in all its dimensions. Show intellectual, cultural and scientific curiosity and a commitment to professional rigour and quality.
- Interact in international and worldwide contexts to identify needs and and new contexts for knowledge transfer to current and emerging fields of professional development, with the ability to adapt to and independently manage professional and research processes.
- Use oral, written and audiovisual forms of communication, in one's own language and in foreign languages, with a high standard of use, form and content.
Block I. Manufacturing, metrology and quality
- Geometric and surface tolerances
- Dimensional tolerances
- Metrology and quality
Block II. Manufacture with chip removal
- Generalities of the theory of machining
- Turning operations
- Milling operations
- Drilling operations
- Economics of machining
Block III. Manufacture with numerical control machines
- Work environment with numerical control
- Design of ISO code for numerical control
Block IV. Conforming processes for plastic deformation
- Formation by volumetric plastic deformation
- Formation by plastic deformation of sheet metal
Block V. Other manufacturing processes
- Joining by welding
- Finishing processes
- Additive manufacturing
- 75% Evaluation tests
- 25% Partial exam I. Blocks I and II. 1 issue that includes both blocks. Not recoverable.
- 45% Final exam. The whole subject. Test-type questions and problems. recoverable
- 2.5% Online test I. Block I. Not recoverable.
- 2.5% Online test II. Block IV. Not recoverable.
- 20% Practice
- There will be 4 internships, attendance is mandatory for those students who want to score, and a report will be delivered. Not recoverable.
- 5% Inverted class
- An inverted class activity will be proposed where students will prepare the content of some topics of the subject.
- Recovery
Global examination of the subject. The entire subject. Test-type questions and calculations. Replaces the final exam grade.
The course combines different methodologies:
- Theoretical classes where the main content of each topic is presented.
- Inverted class.
- Self-assessment tests on the virtual campus.
- Simulation with FAGOR CNC.
In addition to the main methodologies, students can ask the teacher for specific tutorials to resolve doubts related to the content of the subject.
Students are expected to consult the books of the recommended bibliography independently.
Key references
- Groover, M. (2020). Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems (7 ed.). Wiley.
- Kalpakjian, S., Schmid, S. i Vijay Sekar K.S. (2020). Manufacturing Engineering and Technology: Eighth Edition in SI Units. Retrieved from https://www.pearson.com/us/higher-education/program/Kalpakjian-Pearson-e-Text-Manufacturing-Engineering-and-Technology-Access-Card-8th-Edition/PGM2136100.html
Further reading
Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.