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Videogame Programming 3D


Multimedia. Applications and Video Games


Videogame Programming 3D


Compulsory (CO)

Academic year






GroupLanguage of instructionTeachers
G15, classroom instruction, morningsEnglishCarles Bosch Geli


This course aims at introducing some of the basic concepts related to 3D videogame programming. Following the notions introduced in the course Videogame Programming, which focuses on the 2D counterpart, the course will go a step further towards the development of 3D games and the concepts required for this space. It will also introduce more advanced concepts of videogame programming. This course will be developed using the Unity game engine.

Learning outcomes

  • Implements videogames using programming languages and game engines.
  • Integrates 2D and 3D environments to create suitable interfaces for games.
  • Applies physics knowledge towards the development of videogames.
  • Uses the Unity game engine and understands its main features.
  • Applies his/her knowledge for solving problems in complex or professional and specialized work areas that require the use of creative and innovative ideas.
  • Solves problems using technical habilities and technological resources.


General skills

  • Desire to take part in lifelong learning, innovate, create value and acquire new knowledge.

Specific skills

  • Analyse, design and implement applications for the web, mobile devices, video games or general purposes, using programming languages ​​and development tools.
  • Assess and use game engines, applying basic concepts of mechanical physics for video game development.
  • Design, model and animate 2D and 3D characters and environments through the use of digital tools.


  1. Creating 3D scenes
  2. Movement and physics
  3. Collisions and animation
  4. Camera behaviours
  5. AI and Navigation
  6. FX and particles
  7. Terrain modeling
  8. Procedural geometry
  9. Multiplayer and networking
  10. Postprocessing
  11. Advanced lighting 


The evaluation will be based on the following activities:

  • Project 1 (individual): 25% - recoverable
  • Project 2 (by groups): 35% (includes 5% of oral presentation) - recoverable
  • Practical exam (individual): 30% - recoverable
  • Course follow-up (individual): 10%

Both projects are mandatory to pass the course. In case of failing the subject, the student will have the opportunity to take an individual exam to recover up to 35% of the grade. Only a project or exam can be recovered.


Class sessions will consist of the introduction of any theoretical concept needed for each topic followed by practical examples that the students will have to implement with the help of the teacher. Students must complete the required exercises outside of class hours whenever is required, as well as the projects that are proposed along the course.



  • Ferrone, H. (2021). Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 2021 (6 ed.). Packt Publishing.
  • Ferrone, H. (2021). Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 2021: Kickstart your C# programming and Unity journey by building 3D games from scratch. Retrieved from
  • Geig, M. (2021). Unity Game Development in 24 Hours: Sams Teach Yourself (4 ed.). Sams Publishing.


Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.

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