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Business Protocol

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Advertising and Public Relations


Business Protocol


Compulsory (CO)

Academic year






GroupLanguage of instructionTeachers
G15, classroom instruction, afternoonsSpanishJulio Manuel Panizo Alonso

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

SDG logo
  • 5. Gender equality
  • 10. Reduced inequalities
  • 12. Responsible consumption and production
  • 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions


Business protocol is a basic tool in the communication of today's organizations and is essential to achieve good results in all institutional events organized by them. The image generated by organizations and the people who represent them is a tool for the development of public relations and generates a good positioning before their audiences.

Nowadays, the presence of protocol professionals in companies is essential to manage their events.


  • Know the basics of company protocol and its main actions. Know and correctly apply the terminology and tools that exist in this field.
  • Develop tools for planning a protocol regulation for the company and a project for planning an institutional event.


  • Knowing how to handle a formal event in a company setting.

Learning outcomes

  • Identify the public relations theories, processes, structures and techniques that give rise to the functions of the different departments of an agency, creative boutique, consultancy or press office in conventional, virtual and emerging environments.
  • Transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions appropriately and in accordance with academic standards, orally, in writing and audiovisually, to both specialized and non-specialized audiences, being respectful of linguistic diversity and diverse social, cultural, gender and economic realities.
  • Have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (normally within their area of study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature.
  • Carry out the responsibilities of the communications area of a company or institution from within the company or from an external agency, through knowledge of the theory and practice of the processes and structures of public relations and communication. Including effective management and development taking into account the evaluation of the relations with the public of the organization internally and externally, with a proactive attitude and aptitude and cognition in the field of relations from a constructive and open-minded perspective.


  1. Protocol in the business environment
  2. Guest management
  3. Presidencies in the business sector
  4. Organization of banquets
  5. Major events in the business sector


To pass the course, it is necessary to pass the three parts: final project, theoretical test and classroom practices.

The final grade is the weighted average of the three parts: the final project, 50%; the theoretical test, 30%; and the classroom practices, 20%.

If the average is less than 5, only the final project or the theoretical test can be retaken. If two parts are failed, it is no longer possible to retake the subject.


An active methodology is used in which theoretical content is combined with practical exercises in which the theoretical knowledge presented in class is applied and which culminates with the development of a final project that revolves around a business event.


Key references

  • Cuadrado Esclapez, C. (2005). Protocolo y comunicación en la empresa y en los negocios (4 ed.). Fund. Confemetal.
  • Jiménez Morales, M., Panizo Alonso, J. (2017). Eventos y protocolo: la gestión estratégica de actos corporativos e institucionales. UOC.
  • LLamazares García-Lomas, O. (2014). Protocolo empresarial internacional. SL Global Marketing Strategies.
  • Martínez Guillem, M. (20132). Manual básico de protocolo empresarial y social. Díaz de Santos.
  • Pulido Polo, M. (2016). Manual de organización de actos oficiales y empresariales. Síntesis.

Further reading

Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.

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