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360º Campaigns

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Advertising and Public Relations


360º Campaigns


Compulsory (CO)

Academic year






GroupLanguage of instructionTeachers
G15, classroom instruction, afternoonsSpanishJesica Ana Menendez Signorini
Santiago Jordán Ávila

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

SDG logo
  • 5. Gender equality


The student is introduced to the creation of global and integrated communication concepts. This involves the creation of insights , unique communication concepts for the brand and their application to different communication tools, with the aim of achieving integrated 360º communication, both for national and international campaigns.

  • Learn to apply theoretical knowledge in solving a practical situation.
  • Learning to develop autonomous work, but at the same time, based on consensus and group debate and teamwork.
  • Introduce the student to brand management.
  • Develop communication skills to defend projects and communication strategies before clients and managers, paying special attention to oral presentations and the discussion of cases and practical exercises.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the methods and problems of the different branches of research in psychology, sociology and communication in general, as well as audience motivations, consumer behavior analysis and purchasing processes.
  • Examine information in the environment from the knowledge and analysis of sources and information search and retrieval systems.
  • Apply the concepts, theories, methods and techniques of marketing, advertising and public relations to formulate and implement specific strategies for products, brands and organizations.
  • To carry out the responsibilities of the communications area of a company or institution from within the company itself or from an external agency, through knowledge of the theory and practice of the processes and structures of public relations and communication.
  • Including effective management and development taking into account the evaluation of the organization's relationships with its audiences internally and externally, with a proactive attitude and aptitude and cognition in the area of relationships from a constructive and open-minded perspective.
  • Apply different conventional and non-conventional advertising communication techniques to convey the message with the highest level of effectiveness, built under the parameters of creativity and innovation in a context that respects linguistic diversity and diverse social, cultural, gender and economic realities.


  • First concepts for the introduction to planning 360º communication campaigns using communication tools that generate results
  • Building communication strategies. Differentiation between 360º campaigns and integrated 360º campaigns. Communication 4.0
  • Basics: strategies, objectives, strategy building. Blue Ocean and Red Ocean strategy
  • Marketing evolution. Differences between marketing and communication departments. Sensory marketing. Content marketing. Inbound marketing . Storytelling
  • Holography. Couponing. green marketing


The practical component or briefing accounts for 60% of the overall grade (oral presentation of the various phases of the work). Another 30% of the overall grade is the result of a knowledge test. And the remaining 10% is the result of classroom practice.

The final grade is the weighting of the following grade:

  • 60% of the grade: course work based on an assigned briefing . It consists of 5 phases with their corresponding oral presentation. Phases 1, 2 and 4 represent 10% of the overall grade, phase 3 represents 15% of the overall grade and phase 5 or final presentation represents 15%. Failure to submit any of the phases results in a grade of “Not submitted” = 0 (zero). Pass: 5 or more.
  • 30% of the grade: a knowledge test is taken and can only be taken again during the retake period scheduled by the Faculty secretary. Failure to take the test results in a grade of “Not taken” = 0 (zero). Pass: 5 or more.
  • 10% of the grade: classroom practice


  • To pass the course, it is necessary to pass each of the items to be evaluated (course work, classroom practice and knowledge test) with a minimum grade of 5 (five). The overall grade is only averaged if the briefing , classroom practice and knowledge test are passed separately. If any of these items are failed, the maximum grade that can be obtained is 4 (failure of the course).
  • During the repechage period, the maximum grade to obtain is 5 (five).
  • The dates of the current calendar are immutable, so students must plan their extracurricular activities based on the planned calendar.
  • During the presentations, the teacher chooses the two speakers.


The work methodology is developed between theoretical and practical sessions. In the theoretical sessions, the basic content for following the course is provided in the form of a master class and classroom debates with the entire group, emphasizing the various aspects of global campaign planning. In the practical sessions or working progress , the work groups develop, together with the professor, the various stages of the briefing presented. These are not tutorial sessions, but practical work sessions in which the progress of each stage must be discussed. The weekly time distribution is divided between the theoretical part (2 hours) and working progress (2 hours).


Key references

  • Costa, Joan (2015). El paradigma DIRCom: el nuevo mapa del mundo de la comunicación y del management estratégico global. Tiana.
  • Ferré Trenzano, Jose María (1996). Políticas y estrategias de comunicación y publicidad: cómo gestionar la comunicación global de la empresa y diseñar una campaña de publicidad. Diaz de Santos.
  • Garrido, Francisco (2008). Comunicación de la estrategia: la efectividad está en la dirección. Deusto.
  • Kotler, Philip (2011). Marketing 3.0. Lid.
  • Mora-Figueroa, Borja (2009). El mercado global de la comunicación: éxitos y fracasos. EUNSA.

Further reading

Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.

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