Text traduït
Aquesta assignatura s'imparteix en anglès. El pla docent en català és una traducció de l'anglès.
La traducció al català està desactualitzada.
Texto con traducción automática
Esta asignatura se imparte en inglés. El plan docente en español es una traducción automática del inglés.
La traducción automática puede contener errores y lagunas. ¡Consúltala solo con finalidades informativas!
Original text
This subject is taught in English. The course guide was originally written in English.
Màrqueting i Comunicació Empresarial
Negocis Electrònics
Obligatòria (OB)
Grup | Llengua d'impartició | Professorat |
G15, presencial, tarda | anglès | Albert Armisen Morell |
Gozde Erdogan | ||
G16, presencial, tarda | anglès | Albert Armisen Morell |
Gozde Erdogan |
- Learn how the Internet has transformed the company, the business and understand the challenges of electronic commerce
- Explore how web marketing fits into a general business strategy and discuss the technologies, opportunities, and plans for online marketing
- Learn to use available marketing tools to acquire and retain customers
Resultats d'aprenentatge
- RA1. Be able to handle complex situations or those that require the development of new solutions both in the academic, or professional field within their field of study.
- RA2. Show adequate technological skills to achieve required work.
- RA3. Have a range of knowledge that allows you to develop your work in a humanistic and technological way.
- RA4. Acquire the technical knowledge to evaluate and generate results from your activity.
- RA5. Fully understand oral and written messages of different types expressed in their own languages and in English.
- RA6. Adequately use oral language (verbal and non-verbal) in personal and professional interaction in Catalan, Spanish and English.
- RA7. Be able to generate global strategies and apply them to local markets, achieving the generation of global marketing concepts.
- Desenvolupar habilitats per a la innovació i la creació d'empreses.
- Desenvolupar habilitats per adaptar-se a noves situacions.
- Posseir capacitat per a la comunicació oral i escrita a les llengües pròpies de la comunitat.
- Tenir destresa per a utilitzar satisfactòriament i amb finalitats acadèmiques i professionals la llengua anglesa.
- Tenir sensibilitat ambiental i social a les actuacions professionals.
- Tenir un compromís ètic a les actuacions professionals, respectant els principis i valors democràtics.
- Saber dissenyar i implementar iniciatives de negoci adequades pels mercats globals.
- Ser capaç d'aplicar la teoria i els instruments d'investigació de mercats a la implementació d'estratègies empresarials.
- Tenir capacitat per valorar críticament diferents situacions empresarials i per gestionar amb eficàcia i eficiència una empresa o organització.
- Tenir habilitat per definir i implementar estratègies i models de negoci amb un ús intensiu de les TIC, i particularment d'internet, les xarxes socials i els sistemes d'e-business.
- Introduction to the course
- Origin and basic concepts
- Database: SQL
- The digitalisation, uses and areas of electronic commerce
- Management of digital platforms
- Crowds and communities
- Customer loyalty, social purchase, coupons and channel creation
- Typology of business activity and specific legislation
- The digital decentralisation revolution: Blockchain
- Big Data
- Data Science
- WordPress
The evaluation of the subject aims to measure the degree of global learning achieved by the student. Specifically, the assessment consists of:
- Active participation (20%)
- Tasks (20%)
- Exam (20%)
- Final project (25%)
- Presentation of the project (15%)
The method of study of the subject requires the student to attend class consistently, where the general framework and the essential aspects of each subject will be taught to the whole class and in small groups. In the class sessions the teacher will explain the theoretical knowledge of each of the different topics, during these sessions the teacher will create a set of questions associated to the theory to check students' knowledge. In the sessions of directed work, a company or organization is analysed in order to complement and establish the knowledge of the session. The student will select one of these organisations with the help of the teacher, to analyse, apply the theory learnt and present their conclusions to the class.
The student will have to prepare for the classes individually with readings, and later in more depth with autonomous work sessions where the student investigates using professional articles (e.g., Harvard Business Review) and academic articles (e.g., Strategic Management Journal). It is recommended that the student dedicates a few hours of personal work to this subject each week to consolidate the knowledge acquired. The subject benefits from the collaboration of companies with the university to bring experienced professionals into the classroom.
The subject, in spite of having a crucial theoretical part in order for the basic concepts to be acquired correctly, is mainly a very practical subject that is taught face-to-face.
In the study plan of the subject the student can find the specific activities of each week detailing what will be done in the class sessions, for the hours of directed work and personal work.
- Meier, A., Stormer, H. (2009). eBusiness and eCommerce. Springer.
El professorat facilita les referències de la bibliografia complementària i de lectura obligatòria en el transcurs de l'assignatura a través del Campus Virtual.