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Màrqueting Internacional

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Màrqueting i Comunicació Empresarial


Màrqueting Internacional


Obligatoris (OB)







GrupLlengua d'imparticióProfessorat
G25, presencial, tardaanglèsGozde Erdogan

Objectius de desenvolupament sostenible (ODS)

ODS logo
  • 8. Treball digne i creixement econòmic


This course aims to provide students with a framework for the development and implementation of international marketing programmes. Accordingly, students will learn relevant conceptual frameworks to tackle the five management decisions connected with the global marketing process: (1) whether to internationalize; (2) deciding which markets to enter; (3) deciding how to enter the foreign market; (4) designing the global marketing programme; and (5) implementing and coordinating the global marketing programme (Hollensen, 2012).

Resultats d'aprenentatge

  • Contrast single-country marketing strategy with global marketing strategy.
  • Explain the domestic, ethnocentric, global and geocentric management orientations.
  • Discuss the driving and restraining forces affecting global integration today.
  • Discuss proactive and reactive motives why firms go international, and analyse internal and external triggers of export initiation.
  • Describe factors hindering export initiation, and barriers in the process of exporting.
  • Identify the forces that shape competition in an industry, and explain how a nation can achieve competitive advantage.
  • Discuss how the political and economic environments will affect the attractiveness of a potential foreign market.
  • Define culture, and discuss how the sociocultural environment will affect the attractiveness of a potential market.
  • Identify variables to segment global markets, explain criteria to choose specific markets to target, compare the three main target market strategy options, and describe the various positioning options available.
  • Distinguish among indirect, direct and cooperative export modes.
  • Classify different market entry modes, and identify the factors to consider when choosing a market entry strategy.
  • Discuss the influences that lead a firm to standardize or adapt its products and services.
  • Discuss the challenge of developing new products for foreign markets, and define the different branding alternatives.
  • Explain how internal and external variables influence international pricing decisions
  • Explain the major phases in a cross-cultural negotiation process.
  • Explore the determinants of channel decisions, and discuss the key points in managing global marketing channels.
  • Define the different types of communication tools, and describe the major steps in advertising and sales force management decisions.



  • Posseir habilitats per a treballar en un context internacional.
  • Tenir capacitat d'organització i planificació.
  • Tenir capacitat per a realitzar exposicions raonades i coherents.
  • Tenir capacitat per posar els coneixements bàsics de la professió a la pràctica.
  • Tenir destresa per a utilitzar satisfactòriament i amb finalitats acadèmiques i professionals la llengua anglesa.


  • Saber comprendre i ser capaç de transmetre la importància de que l'empresa/organització s'orienti al mercat i a la relació amb el client.
  • Saber dissenyar i implementar iniciatives de negoci adequades pels mercats globals.
  • Ser capaç de dissenyar i implementar plans integrals de màrqueting.
  • Tenir capacitat per analitzar i comprendre el funcionament del mercat i la seva influència a les activitats de l'empresa.
  • Tenir capacitat per aprendre i saber aplicar coneixements i habilitats a la direcció estratègica del màrqueting.


  • Ser capaç de transmetre informació, idees, problemes i solucions a un públic especialitzat i no especialitzat.


  • Emprar diferents formes de comunicació, tant orals com escrites o audiovisuals, en la llengua pròpia i en llengües estrangeres, amb un alt grau de correcció en l'ús, la forma i el contingut.
  • Interactuar en contextos globals i internacionals per identificar necessitats i noves realitats que permetin transferir el coneixement cap a àmbits de desenvolupament professional actuals o emergents, amb capacitat d'adaptació i d'autodirecció en els processos professionals i de recerca.


  1. Introduction to Global Marketing
  2. Initiation of Internationalization
  3. Political and Economic Environments
  4. Sociocultural Environment
  5. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
  6. Market Entry Strategies
  7. Brand and Product Decisions in Global Marketing
  8. Pricing Decisions
  9. Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution
  10. Global Marketing Communication Decisions


Various elements will be taken into account when determining the final grade. The assessment categories are the following:

  • 30% Simulation game
    • 05% Preparation: Quiz about tutorials, before the simulation (individual)
    • 20% Performance in the simulation
      • 10% Logbook, during the simulation (in teams)
      • 10% Questionnaire, at the end of the simulation (individual)
    • 05% Results obtained on the game (share value, in teams)
  • 35% Cases analysis and presentation (in teams)
    • 10% Case study 1 (written)
    • 10% Case study 2 (written)
    • 10% Case study 3 (written)
    • 05% Case presentation (oral)
  • 30% Exams about the textbooks (individual)
    • 10% Textbooks exam 1
    • 10% Textbooks exam 2
    • 10% Textbooks exam 3
  • 05% Participation and attendance

The course final grade will be the sum of the qualifications obtained in the previous evaluation activities. The activities will be evaluated continuously, during the ordinary class period of classes, and may not be retaken.


The course is primarily based on a combination of lectures, case studies, and a business game. In relation to lectures, they are inspired by the “flipped classroom” teaching strategy. After an introduction aimed at providing the theoretical knowledge needed, classes are intended to be practical. Students are required to read the chapters of the textbook related to the class, and to prepare tasks, prior to coming to class. Classes consist of a brief lecture by the instructor, to be followed by a discussion of the main topics, and the assigned task. Main points about the chapters and all doubts brought up by the students will be addressed by the instructor during the class.

Case study analysis, discussion and presentation is another type of teaching method used in the course. A case study is normally a description of a managerial situation that the student has to analyse in order to make recommendations and answer some specific questions. Approximately 10 cases will be analysed during the course.

Along the course, cases will be solved in multinational teams of four students each. Teams will be self-selected to minimize the number of dysfunctional ones. Even so, a free rider may occasionally try to take advantage of other group members. To address a free rider problem, a group may fire one or more members until September 30th. After that date, group membership is permanent.

Almost every week, teams will solve a case study. Before class, a written solution to each case of around two pages will be delivered online to the lecturer, who will evaluate the analysis. Written solution to cases will answer the questions posed at the end. It is very advisable to visit websites of companies analysed in the cases, to increase and update information. During class time, cases will be discussed in classroom.

Also, the students will participate in a business game, a computerized simulation of a word-industry. It's composed of competing companies which manufacture and market consumer durable goods. The participants in this business game are grouped into teams of approximately four people and assume the role of managers of the respective companies. The teams cope with management and marketing problems, and formulate and implement strategies during ten simulated years. By doing it, they will learn through experience to take management decisions.

Additionally, short cases, role plays, and other learning activities will take place, which will be read, analysed, and discussed in class.



  • Green, Mark C. & Keegan, Warren J. (2020). Global marketing (10 ed.). Pearson.
  • Hollensen, Svend (2012). Essentials of Global Marketing (2 ed.). Pearson.


El professorat facilita les referències de la bibliografia complementària i de lectura obligatòria en el transcurs de l'assignatura a través del Campus Virtual.

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