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Registration for EHEA Master's Degree

If you have doubts you may contact with masters@uvic.cat.

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University degree*

Attach a ZIP file (max. 5,8MB) with copies of the following documents:

  • ID
  • Academic Record
  • Degree certificate
  • Letter stating your interest in this course
  • Curriculum vitae

If you have studied abroad you should also include:

  • Convalidated degree certificate or original university degree certificate, stating whether or not in the country of issue this provides access to postgraduate studies
  • Certificate from the competent authorities of the validity of your studies and your academic achievement

Només un fitxer.
Límit de 2 MB.
Tipus permesos: rar, zip.
How did you find out about this course?
Check the application and registration process before submitting the application.

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