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Residence for internships

Non-EU students who carry out an internship in a centre, service or department of the UVic-UCC without an associated registration must contact the International Campus Support Point (ICSP) so that we can process the permit: 

  • Official application form EX04 duly completed and signed by the host entity.
  • Copy of a valid passport or travel document recognized as valid in Spain, valid for at least the period for which residency is requested. The original document must be shown at the time of submitting the application.
  • Documentation that accredits having obtained a degree in the previous two years or that accredits ongoing studies at the time of the application in another country or in Spain, when the applicant is the holder of a stay permit for studies leading to a degree.

    If the study stay permit is for less than six months:

    • Medical certificate
    • If the person is of the age of criminal responsibility, a criminal record certificate issued by the authorities in the country of origin or the country in which he or she has resided during the last five years.
    • Documentation that identifies the host entity
      • Copy of the tax identification number (NIF) and the certificate of incorporation, duly entered in the corresponding Registry.
      • Public document that certifies that the signatory of the permit application has legal representation.
      • Copy of the tax identification number (NIF) or the foreigner identity number (NIE) of the signatory of the application or consent to verify the identity data through the Residence and Identity Data Verification System.
    • Documentation proving that the host entity is up to date with tax and social security obligations, unless the entity accepts ex-official consultation of these data.
  • If the internships are included in an internship agreement, this agreement must have at least the following content:
    • A description of the internship programme, including the educational objective or components of the internship
    • The duration of the internship
    • The conditions of the internship and its supervision
    • The internship hours
    • The legal relationship between the intern and the host entity
  • In the event that the internships are covered by an internship employment contract: the original and copy of this contract, signed by both parties.

    The employment contract must contain, at least, the same content as indicated in the agreement, without prejudice to the other requirements in labour legislation.

    • Accreditation that the company has the financial and material means for its business project and to meet the obligations assumed in the contract towards the worker, including the payment of their salary.
  • Documentation showing possession of medical insurance, if there is no internship work contract
  • Documentation proving that you have the necessary financial means for the period requested if there is no internship contract
  • Copy of a valid passport or travel document recognized as valid in Spain, valid for at least the period for which residency is requested. The original document must be shown at the time of submitting the application.

Residence permit for internships (HI 107)

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