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UVic-UCC rises 10 places and is now ranked twentieth in the CyD Ranking of Spanish universities

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UVic-UCC rises 10 places and is now ranked twentieth in the CyD Ranking of Spanish universities

The University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) ranks twentieth in the latest CyD Ranking, which covers the 76 universities in Spain and was published yesterday by the Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo, which compiles it every year. According to these figures and the analysis carried out by the Quality Area of UVic-UCC, the institution has risen by 10 places compared to its position last year, and is listed among Spain's twenty best universities.

This sustained improvement is largely due to the good results obtained in three of the five areas into which the Ranking is divided: Contribution to Regional Development, International Orientation, and Knowledge Transfer. The new milestone reached this year is that the number of UVic-UCC's high-performance indicators has increased from 11 to 15, which means a rise of 33%. The new indicators of high performance that UVic-UCC has successfully achieved are: Publications with private companies; Income from lifelong learning; Publications with companies in the region, and Internships abroad, which is an indicator that has been created this year.

Eighth in the area of Contribution to Regional Development

The area of Contribution to Regional Development is where UVic-UCC obtains the best position in the ranking, as it occupies eighth place and has risen eight places compared to the previous year. Highlights in this area are the good results obtained in the indicators of Regional publications, Regional research funds and Publications with companies in the region.

Meanwhile, the field of Knowledge Transfer is the area that has improved the most in absolute terms. In this area, UVic-UCC has risen 24 positions compared to last year, and is now in 38th place. This has been possible thanks to the good results in the indicators of Publications with companies and Income from lifelong learning.

UVic-UCC maintained the good results for International Orientation it had obtained in previous rankings, and even climbed two positions to eleventh place. The indicators in which it has shown the most excellence in this field are Programmes taught in a foreign language (master's degree); Student mobility; Internships Abroad; International Teaching Staff, and International Publications.

Although UVic-UCC fell nine places to 26th place in the field of Teaching and Learning, which is the same position as it previously occupied, it had good results for the Graduation Rate; the Regulatory graduation rate; the Performance rate and the Success rate.

Ground was also made up in Research compared to the previous year, as UVic-UCC climbed five positions. It is now 54th in the Ranking, and achieved good results in the Open Access Publications indicator. Although this area, in which UVic-UCC still has limited experience, offers room for improvement, the Ranking has highlighted the institution's sustained growth in several indicators: External research funds (settled); Publications per lecturer; Standardised impact factor of publications; Highly cited publications, and Average number of research sections.

About the Ranking

The CyD Ranking is a tool that enables a comparison to be made between universities in various areas, including their teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation and contribution to regional development, by calculating a series of indicators for each institution and for each knowledge area.

It offers an insight into the diversity of university profiles, and allows the quality of teaching and learning to be compared, highlights strengths and weaknesses, and identifies the areas in which they are most efficient and those in which they have room for improvement.

The classification of the indicators into high, intermediate or low performance groups provides a multifaceted approach to the university system.

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