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UVic-UCC opens the 2019-2020 academic year on the Manresa campus

Rector's speach

UVic-UCC opens the 2019-2020 academic year on the Manresa campus

University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia has held its institutional ceremony to open the academic year 2019-2020. This was the second time that this event has been held in UManresa since the federation agreement was signed 5 years ago. Josep-Eladi Baños, the rector of the University, Valentí Junyent, the mayor of Manresa and president of the board of trustees of the Bages University Foundation, Josep Arimany, the first deputy mayor of Vic and the city's Knowledge City Councillor, Anna Sabata, the general secretary of UVic-UCC, and Victòria Girona, the general director of Universities of the Catalan Government, presided over the ceremony.

During the speeches, the rector Josep-Eladi Baños contrasted the excitement of a ceremony to open the academic year with the "sad times that our country is experiencing." Baños was referring to the statement by the Board of the Rector's Office concerning the prison sentences received by Catalan politicians and social and cultural activists. He insisted on the need for dialogue, and added that in this context, the University must contribute by improving the country through knowledge. According to the Rector, the financing for UVic-UCC needs to be improved so that it can address its three main challenges in the fields of research, teaching and governance. The results of research at the University must be recognised, and the hours spent by teaching staff on research enhanced. In the field of teaching, he mentioned the need to define new bachelor's degree and master's degree programmes and to establish some international qualifications. Finally, as regards governance, Baños said that the new Organisational and Operational Regulations must strengthen the links between the various constituent campuses of UVic-UCC. The rector expressed his concern and that of the university community about receiving improved public funding in order to carry out all these projects.

The director general of Universities, Victòria Girona, congratulated UVic-UCC on the institution's constant improvement, and described it as a "leading young university" and praised "the forum of public responsibility" that it creates in higher education. She said that this responsibility must lead to an improvement in public financing, and also referred to the prison sentences and to the role that the entire university community must play in the defence of basic rights.

Afterwards, the mayor of Manresa Valentí Junyent, once again insisted on the "undeniable success" of the UVic-UCC federation, which has made it a "genuine benchmark at all levels." Finally, Josep Arimany, the first deputy mayor of Vic City Council, emphasised the "vitality and growth" of the Federation "at a delicate time for all universities in Catalonia."

The inaugural lesson of the academic year was given by Roberto Elosúa, a professor in the Faculty of Medicine. The lesson, entitled "Health and population: from the study of populations to precision medicine," discussed breakthroughs in medicine, and how studying the identification of the causes of diseases has led to progress in the prevention of risk factors. According to Elosua, some important challenges still have to be addressed by modern medicine, such as chronicity, healthy ageing, globalisation and the balance between precision medicine and preventive medicine.

An Institutional Medal for Pere Fons, former director of the FUBages

The journalist and philologist Pere Fons received the Institutional Medal during the ceremony. With this honour, UVic-UCC has sought to acknowledge Fons' contribution to the university project during his time as director general of the Bages University Foundation (1997-2000). During his mandate, Fons fostered the institution's specialisation in the fields of health and business. Three new study programmes, Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Speech Therapy, were established during that period. At the same time, the Bages University Foundation was structured in the Health and Social Sciences university schools based around a single brand, and continuous training as a complement to university education began. His time at the head of the Bages University Foundation also saw the planning and construction of the main building, what is today the FUB1, and the conceptualisation of the university campus. Fons was also one of the driving forces behind what at that time were the incipient relations with the University of Vic. He has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Bages University Foundation since 1997, and is currently a member of the Board of Trustees appointed at the discretion of the president.

Pere Fons expressed his thanks for this honour, the recognition it involves, and the enthusiasm with which he received it at this positive point in his life. He highlighted the cooperation and teamwork that have enabled the Bages University Foundation to grow to the point where it has become a powerful part of the common UVic-UCC project.

The ceremony ended with the presentation of badges to workers at the institution who are retiring, the presentation of special awards to the students who obtained the best grades on bachelor's degree and master's degree programmes ending last year, and a musical performance by the singer Eva Lao.

Audiovisual report on the 2018-2019 academic year at UVic-UCC presented at the opening ceremony of the 2019-2020 academic year.

Image gallery of the opening ceremony of the 2019-2020 academic year

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