UVic-UCC is the third ranked young university in Catalonia and Spain, and 131st in the world according to the Times Higher Education ranking
UVic-UCC has been ranked 131st in the world in the Times Higher Education Young University Ranking, which focuses on 790 universities that are under 50 years old. This means that it also ranks third in Catalonia, behind Pompeu Fabra University and Ramon Llull University, and is in the same position in Spain, as the top seven ranked of the 32 Spanish universities that were included in the sample are in Catalonia.
The ranking is based on the same thirteen performance indicators used by the THE World University Ranking produced by The Times Higher Education, but it adjusts the weightings to reduce the importance of the factors that characterise universities with a long history. According to the Vice-Rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer at UVic-UCC, Jordi Collet, "we need to take advantage of this position to establish international networks, create more European projects, and have as much impact as possible in a social context that needs research to address the major challenges that are coming towards us, such as the climate crisis and social and gender inequalities." He added that "this success is the result of the work done by all the people working at the University's centres, areas and services, and should provide a boost for continued growth."
A strong placing in the THE World University Ranking
UVic-UCC entered the Times Higher Education World University Ranking (WUR) for the first time last September, and was ranked between positions 401 and 500 out of a total of 1,662 public and private universities in 99 different countries. This made it the fourth ranked Catalan university, and sixth in Spain among the 52 universities from the country included. Other requirements for inclusion in this ranking include having published at least 150 indexed articles each year, and having published a thousand articles in the last five years.