Jordi Collet - the new vice-rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer
The doctor of Sociology and researcher of the Education Research group, Jordi Collet, is the new vice-rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer of the UVic-UCC. This afternoon, on the proposal of the rector, he was appointed by the Executive Committee of the Balmes University Foundation as the person in charge of promoting research in the University's areas of specialisation, in order to position it in the local and global context. Collet is a senior lecturer in Sociology of Education in the Faculty of Education, Translation and Human Sciences, and has published research on the changes in family socialisation processes and on educational and family policies.
At the rector's request, the Executive Committee also confirmed the appointment of the vice-rector for International Relations and Continuing Education, Joan Masnou; the vice-rector of Academic Planning, Cristina Vaqué; the vice-rector of teaching staff, Anna Ramon, and the vice-rector of the Manresa campus and dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Sílvia Mas. It also confirmed the general secretary, M. Àngels Crusellas, and the deans Elisenda Tarrats of the Faculty of Business and Communication; Paola Galbany, of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Welfare; Eduard Ramírez, of the Faculty of Education, Translation and Human Sciences; Sergi Grau, of the Faculty of Science and Technology; Ramon Pujol, of the Faculty of Medicine, and Carlota Riera, from the Faculty of Health Sciences at Manresa in their posts.
With these appointments and ratifications, all the senior academic positions at the UVic-UCC have been filled since Josep-Eladi Baños took up the post of rector on 7 January.