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Eumo celebrates its 40th anniversary

Eumo_dc fa 40 anys!

Eumo celebrates its 40th anniversary

The design studio Eumo_dc, formerly known as Eumogràfic, celebrates its fortieth anniversary on Thursday 21 March. The celebration will involve an afternoon of talks at the Moritz brewery in Barcelona. Leading professionals will address topics related to current trends in the sector, such as digital environments, artificial intelligence and corporate communication strategy. The celebration will be a meeting point for clients and colleagues.

The evening will begin at 5 pm with a talk by Marta Marín, a freelance strategic creative director and the coordinator of the postgraduate course in Coolhunting at Ramon Llull University, who will be offering a broad-based view of the evolution of trends in today's society. Next, the founder and CEO of The ICNAC and corporate strategy consultant Georgia Taglietti will explore the new frontiers of online communication and the importance of adapting to technological changes. Enric Jaulent, the partner-director of Diferentis Market Strategy and co-director of Elisava's postgraduate course in Design and Communication Strategies, will provide a strategic overview of the relationship with the client and the importance of communication in building strong brands. And finally, Bernard Arce, the freelance creative director and co-director of the master's degree in Design and Art Direction, the master's degree in Creative Direction and Communication, and the master's degree in Art Direction and New Narratives at Elisava, will focus on artificial intelligence and its impact on design and communication. After the talks, those attending will be able to enjoy a celebratory cocktail while networking.

A benchmark for four decades

Eumo_dc was established under the name of Eumogràfic in 1984, under the guidance of Anton Granero and Jordi Cano, as a design studio associated with the Vic University Studies, today known as the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia. With an imprint spanning four decades, Eumo_dc has become a benchmark in the world of graphic design and communication, providing comprehensive services for companies and institutions.

The distinctive feature of Eumo_dc since its inception has been its specialisation in editorial design and corporate identity. However, it has expanded its expertise into areas including exhibition design and digital and audiovisual production. Through partnerships with both private and public institutions, including the Government of Catalonia, Barcelona Provincial Council and the La Caixa Foundation, the company has consolidated its reputation as an expert in visual communication and corporate aesthetics.
Its contributions to the world of design have been acknowledged on various occasions, including several Laus awards; the Barcelona Award for Graphics and Municipal Communication; the Daniel Gil Award, awarded in recognition of excellence in editorial design, and the European Design Award.

According to the current projects manager, Marc Aliart, "the evolution of Eumo_dc over the past 40 years would not have been possible without the dedication of our team and the trust of our clients." Meanwhile, the creative director Albert Cano adds that "we want to continue working together and tackling the challenges of the future with the same passion and determination as always." 

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