42% of students who join UVic come from Central Catalonia and the nearby regions
Four out of ten students, or 42% to be precise, who have joined the UVic Campus of the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) in the 2024-2025 academic year come from Central Catalonia and the nearby regions. 28% of the new students come from the Osona, Bages, Berguedà, Solsonès and Moianès regions, and 14% from Vallès Oriental. The individual regions providing the most students are Osona (18%), Vallès Oriental (14%), Barcelonès (9%) and Bages (8%). Foreign (predominantly French) students account for 10% of the students newly admitted to UVic this academic year, and the figure for those from elsewhere in Spain is 9%.
Among the total number of students who have chosen to continue their studies at UVic this year, those from Osona represent 19% of the total, followed by those from Vallès Oriental (14%), Barcelonès (8%) and Bages (8%). This means that the influence that the University has over its surrounding area is confirmed once again this year, and it acts as a magnet which attracts many young people wishing to pursue studies in higher education. There are smaller percentages of students from regions all over Catalonia at UVic.
Jordi Baiget, the general manager of the Balmes University Foundation, believes that these figures are "a reflection of the roots and ties that UVic-UCC has in Central Catalonia and its areas of influence, and they show that we are a regional university that provides an essential public service which no other university in the Catalan system can provide." The general manager also emphasises that "the unique characteristics of this university compared to public universities does not detract from the positive assessment by students of the quality of our courses, the personalised treatment they receive, and being able to use modern facilities."
In the 2024-2025 academic year, UVic has exceeded 5,300 students in bachelor's degree courses - a figure that represents an increase of more than 1,000 students over the last five years. In overall terms, UVic-UCC has 13,295 students this year, a record high for overall registration, and an increase of 6% compared to the previous year.