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120 students participate in the second semester of the Business, Innovation and Design programme which takes place in the BAU School of Design in Barcelona

120 students participate in the second semester of the Business, Innovation and Design programme which takes place in the BAU School of Design in Barcelona

A welcome dinner for students on the Study Abroad Business, Design and Innovation programme for students from foreign universities wishing to undertake a study stay in Barcelona was held in Barcelona on 26 January. The courses offered are recognised by the students' home universities, and enable them to acquire and improve skills in the areas of business management, design and innovation. In addition to the students, the event was attended by the rector of the UVic-UCC, Jordi Montaña, the general secretary, M. Àngels Crusellas, the vice-rector for International Relations and Continuing Education, Joan Masnou, the programme's coordinators and several teachers giving classes on it.

A total of 120 students, mostly from north American universities, are participating in this year's programme, which began on 9 January. The students still have three months to carry out the projects that each subject requires of them, such as producing a marketing plan for companies in the fashion industry, creating a brand or even starting up a new company. When added to the 24 students registered in the first semester, the 120 students in the second semester make up a total of 144 students registering for this international programme at UVic-UCC during the 2016-2017 academic year.

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