Return permit for students in Christmas 2023
It won't be necessary to apply for the return permit for those students who want to go out of Spain and come back between 27/11/23 and 14/01/24. Please notice that the return permit is for those students that their TIE Card or the Residence permit is expired and they are into the renewal process. (+info in Spanish)
Recommendations by the Spanish Foreign and Global Affairs Ministry depending on the country to travel to:
26/02/2024 - The validity of Foreigner Identity Cards (TIE) issued to individuals impacted by the Ukrainian conflict and the immigration status of recipients of temporary protection in Spain has been automatically extended until March 4, 2025 (BOE-A-2024-3767 Orden INT/169/2024, de 26 de febrero, por la que se prorroga la validez de las tarjetas de identidad de extranjero expedidas a las personas afectadas por el conflicto en Ucrania beneficiarias de protección temporal).

Find here all the news and important information about the actual COVID-19 situation.
For any other inquiries and more information, contact the International Campus Support Point.
- Interactive World map
- Travel Safe - Spain’s official tourism website
- Interactive EU map
- [Map] Restrictions for citizens travelling from Spain
A telephone service to facilitate the international mobility of professionals who need to travel abroad despite restrictions
- From Spain: 060
- From abroad: +34 911252122
As of April 20 2022, the use of mask in indoor spaces of UVic is not mandatory. The COVID-19 positive cases, with or without symptoms, should wear a mask, although the Catalan Department of Health recommends staying home.
- UVic information about Covid-19 (in Catalan)
- UVic contact email for further information: prevencio@uvic.cat
- Search for a University to see the Erasmus+ mobility status
- Ministry of Health: Official website - Twitter account (in Spanish)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation
- Spain Travel Health
- SEPIE - Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (in Spanish)
- European Commission
- IATA - International Travel Documentation News
- Update of the situation in the framework of the Erasmus + Program (14.05.2020)
- Commission's guidance on how to safely resume travel and reboot Europe's tourism in 2020 and beyond* (13.05.2020)
- If you have to travel abroad this might be of your interest