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Access with completed foreign university studies

Access with completed foreign university studies

Individuals who have completed their higher education studies at a foreign university or higher education institution and want to pursue undergraduate studies at UVic-UCC must apply for recognition of their foreign university degree as an official Spanish university degree. In case of denial, they may request the validation of partial Spanish studies. It should be noted that partial validation of studies can only be processed if the recognition of the degree has been previously requested and denied, provided that this denial has not been due to any of the following reasons: 

  • Non-degrees and diplomas awarded by universities. 
  • Spanish degrees whose curriculum has already been discontinued or not yet fully implemented. 
  • Foreign degrees that do not have official academic validity in the country of origin. 
  • Degrees corresponding to foreign studies completed totally or partially in Spain, provided that the institutions lack the necessary authorization to offer the studies in question.
  • Degrees that have already been recognized in Spain or for which partial validation has already been requested to continue studies in Spain. 


How to recognise a degree

To have a foreign university degree officially recognized throughout Spain, it is necessary to apply to the Spanish Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports for recognition of an official degree included in the Catalogue of Official University Degrees or to a former undergraduate degree (Diplomatura and Licenciatura). To make the request, it is necessary to go to the Electronic Office of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and follow the indicated steps.

Upon completing the process:

  • If the recognition has been obtained, you must proceed with the university application
  • If the recognition has not been obtained, you can request partial validation of the studies completed. 
  • If the recognition is conditional upon the prior completion of additional training requirements, the resolution will specify which educational deficiencies must be addressed to obtain the recognition of the degree. It will be necessary to complete these subjects at one of the universities in the system to obtain the recognition. 

For further information and inquiries regarding the processing of recognition for foreign qualifications, please contact the University Recognition Support Service (SARU).

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