The library provides information resources and the recommended bibliography for your studies. You will find tutorials and courses on bibliographic citations and information on how to search for information for academic projects. Two large libraries with extensive opening hours for individual and group study.
Miramarges: C/ Sagrada Família, 7 - 08500 Vic
Torre dels Frares building: C/ de la Laura, 13 - 08500 Vic
- UCercatot, search engine
- Document loan service
- Laptop loan service
- Reservation of group study rooms
- Courses and user training
- Tools and resources for e-learning
- Opening hours
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Computer services
As a member of the university community, you are provided with a user account that allows you to access the Virtual Campus, computer rooms, Wi-fi network, centralised printing service, and other services based on your profile.
Room B125: C/ Sagrada Família, 7 - 08500 Vic
- Virtual Campus
- Wi-fi service
- Printing points
- Microsoft Office
- Zoom. Video conferencing system
- URespon. Incident management portal
- Uniapps. UVic application portal
- UAcademic. Academic procedures
- Virtual classrooms
- FAQs
- Computer rooms
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UHub. University Community Service
UHub is in charge of sports, cultural activities and volunteering. It also provides support to University groups and societies and shared transport, and it helps you find accommodation. You can also consult UHub’s Student Support Programme (PSE) and the Equality Unit.
Building F: C/ Sagrada Família, 7 - 08500 Vic
- Sports
- Volunteering (in Catalan)
- Culture
- Student card (UVic-UCC TUI)
- Accommodation and transport
- Groups and societies (choir, orchestra, theatre and human towers)
- Student Representatives Council
- Student Support
- UVic community discounts (UVals)
- Newsletter
- Others (orange parking zone, locker rental, Campus activities)
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Careers Service
Internships and careers advice
The main objective of the Careers Service is to improve the employment opportunities of university students. This service is available to both active students and alumni who want to redefine their career goals.
Casa Convalescència: C/ Doctor Junyent, 1 - 08500 Vic
- Internships
- Internships abroad
- Job offers. Job Opportunities
- Careers advice
- “Sí-Sí” Work and Study grants
- Alumni
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International mobility
The International Relations Unit gives information and advice about international activities, communicates the different opportunities available to students and supports UVic-UCC student and staff participation in international programmes.
F005, Building F, Miramarges: C/ Sagrada Família, 7 - 08500 Vic
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Continuing Education
The objective of the International Centre for Continuing Education (CIFC) is to offer sustainable continuing education adapted to local needs, with a strong international profile in areas of clear academic leadership, and consistent with the different fields of knowledge offered at UVic-UCC. All UVic students and UAlumni members have special discounts on Continuing Education programmes.
F005, Building F, Miramarges: UVIC-UCC International Centre for Continuing Education. C/ Doctor Junyent, 1, 08500 Vic
- Masters and postgraduate courses
- Courses and conferences (in Catalan)
- University Summer School
- Study Abroad
- Senior Campus
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Language School
At UVic Language School, as well as language courses, we also offer individual language support plans to help students achieve their goals in the easiest and most economic way. We offer level tests, face-to-face courses, video conferencing courses, international accreditation exams, discounts for UVic students, and we can also give you advice about official grants.
Building A, Miramarges: C/ Sagrada Família, 7 - 08500 Vic
- Language Courses
- Level test
- Face-to-face language courses
- Language courses by video conference
- Online language courses
- Intensive summer courses
- Accreditation exams
- Grants
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Language Services
The Language Services offer you Catalan language courses and the possibility of accrediting your Catalan level through official exams. You can use the Self-Access Centre to learn languages autonomously, and we also provide language resources to help solve any doubts you may have about the preparation and presentation of oral and written texts.
Building D: C/ Sagrada Família, 7 - 08500 Vic