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Drama Projects in Physical Education


Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Primary School Teaching, majoring in Physical Education


Drama Projects in Physical Education


Compulsory (CO)

Academic year






GroupLanguage of instructionTeachers
G11, classroom instruction, morningsEnglishMireia Eulàlia Asensio Liñan


Drama Projects in Physical Education

This subject focuses on how to plan, implement and evaluate drama projects in the physical education classroom. Combining education and art with sport offers a highly effective formative experience that can be led by anyone working in any form of education. The subject pursues a learn-by-doing methodology; do, reflect, apply.


  1. To explore, learn about and practice a range of performance-based projects and how to apply them in educational settings
  2. To develop an understanding of different ways of integrating arts and the poetics of the body in the PE classroom
  3. To gain experience in theater-based techniques
  4. To build, develop and reflect on acquired knowledge

Learning outcomes

  • Carry out a specific performance arts session tailored to the objectives (LO3)
  • Program specific activities in the relevant field, based on the curriculum of the stage (RA4)
  • Integrates in its didactic proposals the work of the basic skills of primary and secondary education in the different media, as well as their correct application (LA5)
  • Acquire advanced knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects and working methodology in the field of dramatic arts and performance (LO6)
  • Show skills for critical reflection in the processes linked to the exercise of the profession (RA7)
  • Acts in usual situations and those typical of the profession with commitment and responsibility (RA10)
  • It uses the physical education classroom to promote dramatic art and performance activities in non-usual media and forms for the work of basic skills in primary and secondary education. (RA12)


1. Pedagogy and the body

a. Embodiment and performance
b. Arts and PE
c. Theater pedagogy

2. Drama projects in educational practices

a. Senses and imagination: the poetics of drama
b. Drama as a space for relationship, expression and creation
c. Developing drama projects in the PE classroom




  • Challenges 40% (RA3, RA4)

Retake is only possible within the two weeks after receiving the qualification

  • Final Project 30% (RA7, RA12)
  • Student follow-up 30% (RA10, RA5, RA6)

Retake is not possible


The general Plan of Work will be given at the beginning of term after meeting the group (2n.d or 3th week of the semester). This plan will include information about the timing for the completion and/or presentation of tasks and activities, and will be related to the summary of the course contents. In order to enhance Learning Results 42.1 and 41.1 -and according to pedagogical criteria-, this Working Plan will also be discussed and finally set on a collaborative basis by the entire group. Tutorials will be arranged according to students' learning requirements.

Teaching methods will include:
1. directed activities
2. problem-based learning
3. cooperative learning
4. exemplification and case study
5. practical classes and
6. group work presentations

The spirit of the subject is that of a (creative) workshop. However, there will also be supervised activities such as programmed tutorials, work revision, checking of student portfolio activities and final project follow-up tutorials, as well as independent work such as preparation of projects, practical activities, readings, learning activities, and online work using the virtual campus.



  • Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film in Zusammenarbeit mit Seed Pictures (2008). Lorenza Böttner - Portrait of an Artist (short Documentary) [DVD]. HFF and Seed.
  • Paixão, Rui (2016). Descontrução, TEDxMatosinhos [DVD]. TEDxMatosinhos. Online:
  • Paul B. Preciado (2018). Countersexual Manifesto. Columbia University Press.
  • Preciado, Paul B. (2018). Every Life Matters: The Work of Lorenza Böttner: Conference-Festival Hold Me Now – Feel and Touch in an Unreal World [DVD]. Online


Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.

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